This boy came to my school. And picked me to be his BRIDE!

Chapter 15

I woke up, my mouth felt furry (you know the weird taste and feeling?) and there was black marks all over my pillow. WTF!
I went into the bathroom rubbing my eyes, and found the

reason for the marks on my pillow. I studied my face, balck and blue makeup was smudged across it.
Crap! I forgot you had to wash makeup off. Yet, another reason I don't wear it.
After 20minutes of scrubbing, I gave up and just had a shower and washed my hair.
When I had my towel wrappped tightly around me, I realised I didn't bring any clothes with me.
I groaned, looking up at the ceiling. Go, this'll be good.
I cracked the door open, but just as I stepped out, Zac's door opened, and out stepped Zac. Shirtless.
I froze, trying to move my feet, but they refused to take a step.
He looked over my towel covered body with surprise, while a cheeky smile formed on his face.
'Don't say, think, or do anything,' I warned him. I knew what that smile meant.
'Why would I do that?' he asked me with an innocent smile, as he stepped towards me slowly.
'I-I-You...' I stuttered, stepping back until my back hit the wall. He continued to move towards me.
He put his hands on either side of my head and smirked.
'What were you saying? trying to stop me?' He leaned in and nuzzled my neck. I gasped, and I felt him smile satisfied.
I suddenly got an idea. Two could pay at this game.
He pulled back, and I smiled seductively. Trailing my hands up his bear chest -feeling him shiver- and putting them around his neck.
I pulled myself up on my toes and whispered, 'Well who's stopping me?'
I pulled back and smiled at his dazed expression. I leant forward slightly, hinting him. I closed my eyes, but opened them slightly, to check that his were shut.
Just as our lips were about to meet, I pushed against his chest. 'Oof!' he stummbled backwards into the wall behind him, with a shocked look on his face.
I walked over to him smiling triumphantly, kissed his shocked lips quickly and pranced off into my room.
Breakfast was uneventful. We sat, ate, talked. The usual, but when we got back to the room, Zac's phone rang.
'Hello?' he answered.
There was a pause as the other person spoke. It must have been good though, Zac was smiling.
'That's great. Meet you there, bye!' he said, and closed his phone.
'Do you want to go out on leave with me?' Zac asked.
'Leave?' I'd never been on leave before. (A/N leave is when the boarders go out and stay with family or others.) I'd never had to.
'Yeah, Mum wants to know if you want to stay at our place for the next few days.' he said smiling. 'They've already sorted it with the school, it's just up to you.'
'Err,' I hesitated. I had know idea, but it sounded like fun. 'Sure.' I smiled.
He smiled back, and quickly texted his mum, with my answer.
'When are they coming?' I asked.
'They'll be here in an hour.' he told me.
'Okay, I'll just go pack...' I said turning.
But two hands wrapped themselves around my waist, stopping me from moving.
'You know, what you did to me this morning was quite mean...' he trailed off kissing the top of my head.
'I told you to stay away.' I said simply. 'Besides, I was in a towel!'
'But you're not now,' he pointed out. It sounded like he was slightly disapointed.
'True, I'm not now.' I turned around in his arms, and put my arms around his neck.
He leanded down and lightly kissed me.
The kiss got deeper, as I pulled him closer and his arms got tighter around my waist.
I licked his lip and he opened his mouth, inviting me in.
After what seemed like ages of kissing him, we both pulled back, breathing heavily.
He smiled at me, as I turned to pack my clothes.