This boy came to my school. And picked me to be his BRIDE!

Chapter 6

I couldn't stop thinking about what Zac said to me. It was great he didn't hate me, but I still don't know if he likes me more then that. I meanZac and I have been like best friends, and I dont want to lose it, but I want to be more.
(A/N Okay yeah you hear it alot but I had know idea how to put it)
He even started sitting with us. Which earnt me a few glares from Courtney and her table, but I couldn't care less. It was obvious she was after Zac, and it was funny that he wasn't interested. Unforunatley, he was still friends with her. Occasionally she would invite him to 'study' with her, (wellhe would study, she would try to latch her claws in)but he wasn't allowed in her room, a newly created rule. He was only allowed in mine/ours. Which made me laugh.
Although, this time she asked if they could go to our room to... 'studying'. What was the difference, I had no idea.
I was supposed to be studying, but I couldn't keep my mind off Shiley! We had become so much closer since I told her how I felt, but I didn't tell her everything.
I sighed, as I read the line form my text book for the sixth time.
This studyin thing wasn't working, the way I planned.
Courtney did a little fake cough.... again.
I looked over at her, with my eyebrows raised.
'Can I help you?' I asked her.
'I dont get this...' she told me, batting her eyelashes like she had something in her eye. 'I think I need a drink of water.'
What the... How the hell would that help?
'Okay, give me a sec, and I'll get it.' I said, standing and walking to the kitchen.
I grabbed the glass, put it under the tap and filled it.
I didn't hear her get up, but when I turned around, she was right there, infront of me.... close.
'Uh, I was gonna bring it over to you,' I told her, stepping back and hitting the bench.
'I don't want water,' she said seductively (sp?) stepping forward. 'I want you.'
She lunged forward, knocking the glass from my hand and smashing her lips forcefully on mine.
What the hell!!??!!
I struggled against her, pushing on her arms.As I opened my eyes I saw the door opening.
Standing in the doorway, was the last person I wanted to see at the moment...
I stood there at the door, looking at the scene in front of me.
Zac had only just pushed Courtney away, and was looking at me with sorry eyes, and Courney had a triumphant grin on her face.
My thoughts were jumbling as I tried to think.
I shook my head back and forth trying to clear it of all thought.
Instantly,I snapped back, but I wasn't me.
'Well don't stop on my account!' I snapped.
'Shiley, it's not-' Zac started but I didn't let him finish.
'What it looks like?' I asked finishing or him. He looked down in misery.
'Please Zac, save your breath.' I told him. 'You and it, can do whatever you want, just not here, in this room. Not in my room.' I sneered the last part, and swept past them, into my room and slammed the door.
I threw my bag to the side, and flung myself on the bed, tears streaming down my face.
I furrowed my head into my pillows and cried silently.
I faintly heard Zac, shout at Courtney, and tell her to get out.
Why would he shout at her. Wouldn't they be together or something now.
That thought crushed me more, and a new wave of tears made their appearance.
I thought he liked me.