
World Contamination... Literally

Gerard Way loved being on tour. Sure he missed Lindsey and Bandit, but there was something so refreshing about spending 10 months with his band. It allowed him to break out of the routine that married life had thrown him into. So when the red-haired artist woke up in his bunk on the first official day of the World Contamination Tour, he couldn't help bu smile. He checked his phone to see that he already had 4 missed calls.
Lindsey he thought, rolling his eyes. She had asked to come along with them, but Gerard had refused; a world tour was no place for a 2 year old, but Lindsey had insisted, saying that they were both in a band, so there was no reason for her not to come.
"But Lindsey," Gerard had said, "You're MSI, this is My Chemical Romance's tour," and left it at that. Besides, Gerard knew the real reason that Lindse wanted to come; Gerard would be spending 10 months alone with Frank. Everyone, including them, knew that there were some unresolved feelings between the two rockstars, and Lindsey wanted to make sure that Frank wasn't going to try anything with Gerard.
I guess she must've forgotten that I was always the one to start it, thought Gerard, as he walked over to the kitchen counter.
"Hey Gee!" said Frank, snapping the elder out of his thoughts, "you psyched for our first gig?"
"Hell yeah I am, but, try not to break anything this time." Joked Gerard, thinking back to all the broken strings and kicked speakers.
"No worries there," he laughed, "Jamia says I have to tone it down a bit, 'You're a grown man Frank, when are you gonna stop acting like a 15 year old?!'"
"It's a good job she didn't know you when you were 15," Gerard said, smiling, "So you're really gonna calm down on stage?"
"Fuck no, that's Mikey's job!"
"What's my job?" yawned Mikey, walking out of the bathroom, scratching the back of his head.
"To look all cool and relaxed on stage." answered Gerard.
"Yeah well, someone has to." he said sleepily, "where's Ray?" he asked; he was usually up long before any of the.
As if on cue, the door opened and in came Ray, panting, out breath.
"Dude! Turn on the news!"
Mikey turned on the TV and the rest of them watched as a news reporter came into focus.
"...These alleged 'Vampire attacks' begun midday yesterday and, though the origin is yet to be identified, the world's government is urging people no to go outside unless absolutely necessary. From the action taken by the US, British and even the Chinese militaries, we can only assume that these supernatural events are very real indeed. We now take you to Steven Waters on the scene of the first attack. Steven what can you tell us about these attacks?"
"Well Kate, according to what information the government has released to us, and eye-witness accounts we can tell you that it does seem extrememly likely that they were carried out by what does indeed seem to be vampires. One witness gave us an account of what happened."

The scene changed and showed a clip of a woman with fake teary eyes and a simpering voice.
"Well... he jumped on a man, and... bit into his neck a-and..." she dropped her voice to a whisper "...he drank his blood. Then he let him go and ran away. Someone called the police but by the time they got here... the man -the one who was attacked- he got up and he... he did the same thing that the other man did to him. But... they didn't look human, they looked... sort of like... animals!
The clip ended and flicked back to the news correspondant again.
"As you can see, it seems like some sort of infection is causing people to wake from the dead, craving human blood. As of yet we have no idea what happens to the victims after they've drank blood, we can only hope that the situation becomes contained as soon as possible. Back to you Kate."
"Thank you Steven. Up next, 3 ways to survive the credit crunch..."

Mikey turned off the TV and looked at his band.
"What do we do now?"
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The first official chapter! Hooray!!
So, to quote Mikey, What are the guys gonna do now?
Stay tuned!!