Hearts and Stars

Night and Day

Like night and day we clash and blend; my hair glistening and raven-like to her auspicious halo of gold. The sun shines out from her eyes, alighting upon the earth a fresh glow of purity while I sparkle under moonlight, playing into the mysterious shadows of the night. There is no greater complement than to hear of our unequal parallels.

Through each tumultuous stage of life she’s there behind me, impish and endearing to my austere facade, a cushion that I dare not fall back on. It’s empowering to be at the front of the line, to take the wheel first, and to take the first dive. I am there to protect her, to guide her, and above all else embarrass her, as she is there to push me, enable me, and annoy me to no end.

We compliment each other in our actions and rival each other with our thoughts. No two sisters could feel such a bond, and no two sisters could strain it so. You are heart, tender and invincible, as I am a star, unique and brilliant. We are two symbols of illustrious strength and endurance, two symbols of fanciful dreams.

We are day and night, invincible when together, yet independent on our own. Even when disconnected it’s impossible to quash our splendor: my star hums slightly dimmer, your heart not as full. In some strange circle of life and unity, we complete each other in our world. With no other binding stronger than that of our youth, we stay tied together, passionate and reflective yet interdependent.