Status: Very Active(:

We Should Be

Chapter 11 - It will Rain

We have waiting for four hours now. Still no word on whether she is okay and it is nearly killing me.

It seems like forever since we've been clear on her condition. I 'm scared that im am not going look in her beautiful eyes again , or hold her hand and feel her squeeze back, or- even feel the way the way that she still love me but is weary because of the hurt.
I pray to God that she gets to take another breath.

Finally a doctor appears and I tense up.
" Ortiz?"
I immeadiately grab her mother and we walk towards the doctor.
" How is she?"
he did'nt answer right away and I immeadiately got angry.
" Answer me!"
Please no! Please God!
" She is okay for now. We lost her twice but she came back. We ran some tests and we found that she has a weak heart. She'll need a transplant."
My blood ran cold. My baby was sick? the word kept running through my head.
We lost her twice.
She has a weak heart.
I look over to her mom. She's crying and her face is pale.
She whispers.
" My baby?" Her hand goes to her heart.
Her expression killed me.
I put my arm around her in a hug.
" When can we see her?"

I led her to the room and stopped short of the door.
I don't think I can see her like this.much worse then last time.
Ms.Ortiz walked in slowly . She takes a sharp intake of breath.
And I dont look.
I need some air.
I can't do this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Phone was internet . Sucked.anwho, comment . Ideas?suggestions?
- Tierra
thnx to that one commenter:) youre awesome.