Status: Very Active(:

We Should Be

Chapter 12 - Waking up

[Sydney's Point Of View]

I could feel myself coming into consciousness ; only Now it's Hard to Breath. I can feel something on my face , something covering my nose.
An Oxygen mask? What happened?
I try to open my eyes but they wont budge! I open my mouth but nothing comes out , only mumbled gargles. My throat feels like its on fire. My chest hurts, it feels heavy and cold.
" Sweetie?" A voice that I barely recognise comes from above me. Like I'm underwater.
Opening my mouth again; i finally manage to speak.
" What. Happened?" My voice cracks making my throat burn even more.
" Sweetie .Don't talk. It's gonna be okay!Im gonna get a doctor."
I realise it's my mother.
I hear silence for a while .. Then footsteps.
" Ms. Ortiz.. How are you feeling?" How the hell do you think I feel? I mentally roll my eyes. Instead of cursing him the hell out, I didnt.
"Water" I croak
IN a matter of seconds I feel a straw being brought to my lips. I drink greedily till I start to suck air.
I finally open my eyes and see two blurry figures.Once again I feel like I'm underwater.
I blink my eyes repeatedly and finally my eyesight turns clear.
"What happened?"
I look to my mother who has tears in her brown eyes.
"I'm confused ! Whats going on?"
They both look to me sadly.
" You passed out from loss of breath." I remember that
" We ran some tests and we found that your heart is weak and you need a heart transplant. We put you on the transplant list a few days ago. Now , we just wait!"
I sit in shock.
A hand,comes down on my shoulder.
"I'll leave you two alone." The doctor walks out the door shutting it softly.
" I am so glad that you are alive sweetie. I thought I lost you for a second. I'm sooo glad that Trey found you when he did!" She gushes.
"Wait .Trey?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment subscribe ... Only like eight chapters left. Then I may do a sequel... Idk yet!
By the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR. 2012:D