Status: Very Active(:

We Should Be

Pleasant Suprise? Chp 3

Waking up at nine o'clock this Morning was the hardest thing I could do, since I' m far from a Morning person. Getting up , I brush my teeth and wash my face. I really feel like getting pumped up ;so i turned on my
IHome and Outta my head by lupe fiasco immmediately filled my room. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
I will have a good day today no matter what. Somehow , I still have that feeling of doubt.

I slip on my skinny jeans, a flowing tanktop and some black pumps, leaving my hair down in my natural waves I try to tell my mind to shut the hell up with the doubtful thinking of the days results.

I grabbed my purse and skipped to Delliah's room.

" GET THE HELL UP YOU LAZY BUM!" I yell and smirk in satisfaction as a hear a faint groan.

I made sure to grab my keys as I walk to my 2011 Mustang Gt. Time to get some coffee . The best drink of the day!

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I pull up to starbucks grab my wallet and head into shop. Overpriced coffee and pastry's assault my senses as I make it to the counter. i place my order and wait patiently .

" Thank you " A very sexy and deep voice interupts my thoughts, making me freeze. I know that voice from anywhere. I slowly and hesitantly turn around only for our eyes to meet.

I could read the suprise and shock displayed on his face.

"Syd?" He asked. As if in disbelief that I was hear.
" Hey Trey!" I murmured hoping he won't notice how nervous i sound.
" What are you doing here?" I nervously tuck my hair behind my ear and clear my throat.
" I live here.Just thought I'd get some coffee before work." I bit my lip.

He opened his mouth to say something but he's interupted by the cahier .
" number 12!" Thank god.i sigh in relief.
"Urm. I gotta go Trey. It was nice seeing you though." I quickly grabbed my coffee and headed to the door when I felt a hand grab my hand.

" It was really nice seeing you again Syd...Can I get your number so we can talk maybe?" He said hope shining in his eyes.
" I'm Sorry. I can't!" and with that i rushed out of the coffee shop door and into my car.
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soorrry. thnx to whoever subscribed!!! ur very awesome:D anywho.i was busy at school and was getting lazy promise it won't happen again:) please comment and subscribe:)