Status: Very Active(:

We Should Be

Chapter 4

Seeing Trey was The Biggest Shock That I could've gotten. I had no idea that he lived anywhere near me and if I did ; Trust me I would have steered clear of him!

Since I saw Him, I have been stressed out to the max. Which I saw him on monday and it's now Friday.I just can't get him out of my mind! His presence just really got me thinking of the past. I really need a break from thinking . I need to go out and have some fun.

I jump up and go into D's room . She immeadiately looks up and smiles.
" What's up Girl?" She asks curiously .

" I was thinking that we should go to a club tonight!" She immeaditely jumps up and starts looking in her closet.

" Okay Girl. I have the perfect outfit to wear tonight!" I look at her with wonder. She can literally pick out an outfit in like ten minutes.

" Alright. Well we will leave at eleven okay?" It was now 10 oclock. I hurried to my room and got ready . Afterwards; I grabbed my Clutch and put on my silver pumps and headed to the kitchen.

I had on A Black strapless tight fitting dress with a silver bracelet and ofcourse , My silver pumps. They were known to pull some guys in. Tonight I was gonna have some fun and not think about Trey! Hopefully It worked because othewise I was screwed!

D finally came out in a spaghtti strapped tight fitting red dress and black pumps.

" You look mu calant`e !" I said while looking on in wonder.

" Bitch please! You know your ass looks way better then me!" We link hands and walk to the car and drive off.


(Time lapse) At the club

As soon as we got into the Club we headed to the bar to get some drinks. I order a shot of patron and D orders some Grey Goose. I drink back my shot and look over at D.
" Hey! Isn't That Trey?" She yells over the music.

I curiously look over to where she points and Freeze. He's on the dance floor grinding on this caramel toned girl.

Shit!! Shit!! Shit!!
I can't win for loosing. Well there goes not thinking about Trey!
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally right? Anyway thanks to -reeseynicole21 and renji504! They made me wanna update with their awesome comments!!! theyre really awesome!:D Anywho; I would love it if you subscribe and comment. I'll update soon.