Falling to Pieces

Chapter One


Two months, two whole months since the break up. Two months since his entire world ended, and it became dark.
The only thing that kept him going was his friend, Eva. She was the only light in his now murky existence. He was sure that if not for her, he’d be dead by now.
Eva was all that was good in his world now, the one thing he woke up for in the morning. She’d been put on the backburner during his toxic relationship with Sierra but now she’d dumped him for some football player, Eva was back in business. It was like she didn’t even care that he had ignored her for all those months, that’s the type of person she was.
Yet it still surprised him when he found himself falling in love with his best friend. You aren’t supposed to fall in love with your best friend, especially if your best friend was Eva. No, he didn’t believe he had or at least he tried not to believe it.
Then why was she the first thing he saw in the morning and the last at night?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay, new (short!) story ^.^
Word count for this chapter is one hundred and ninety.
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