Falling to Pieces

Chapter Two


The year that Nathan had been with his girlfriend Sierra had been hard for her, extremely hard. Nathan had ignored his friend because Sierra was so controlling and told him that it was either her or that skank he was best friends with.
He ended up choosing Sierra but he promised Eva that he would still talk to her.
During the beginning she was happy that Nathan was happy, yet she couldn’t help being hurt. Eva loved Nathan; she had since their freshman year of high school. For their high school career, Nathan complained how he wanted a girlfriend. Oh he had them, he was a very handsome male specimen, but those girls didn’t mean much to him. Which is why Eva didn’t truly care for the occasional female he went out with.
But then Sierra Hawthorne came into the picture.
She was everything Eva knew she wasn’t. Sierra was gorgeous, smart, funny, rich, and most importantly perfect. Who wouldn’t go out with her if given the opportunity?
So Eva let him go, she knew he was happy with that girl. Even though Eva hated the fact that he was with her, she couldn’t begrudge him his happiness. But as the year wore on and he talked to her less and less she became heartbroken.
Sure Eva had friends, but Nathan was her best friend. And yes Eva went out with guys, but she was in love with Nathan McCall.
Finally though the call came, Sierra had dumped Nathan for some big shot football player.
Eva was upset that Nathan was devastated but at the same time overcome with joy that he was free from that bitch who had controlled him.
Silently, Eva sat and said nothing other than comforting and soothing words as Nathan cried for the girl he thought he had loved. Each time he said he was sure Sierra had been the one, it had stabbed Eva a little bit inside.
But she never said anything; how could she? Her first job was to be Nathan’s best friend, not go crazy girl on him about how her instincts had been right.
No, she couldn’t.
Especially when the person that was hurting, was the same guy she was in love with.
♠ ♠ ♠
Word count threed hundred and seventry four.
Just so everyone knows the chapters will be short-ish around this size or a bit longer.
Please comment darlings!-