Status: In Progress<3



Running all my teenage life was not what I planned…But neither was having any idea who my parents were. I have lived with my friend, Josephine (Josie for short) Moretti, and her family since I was born. Her parent’s names are Rosetta and Guy Moretti. Apparently my parents were really close friends with Josie’s family. But the thing that annoys me beyond words is that her parents will not tell me anything about my parents except for, “They were good people, with kind hearts.” That’s it. They said they would tell me more “when the time is right”, and I had always hoped that was soon…now I wish I didn’t know.

The Moretti’s were the closest thing to what I called family, and Josie was like the sister I never had. So when the Moretti’s told me I needed to move out and leave, I was a little flabbergasted. They explained that I was being hunted. That ‘something’ was after me.
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