The Storm Is Coming

Well you’re my favorite bird and when you sing, I really do wish you’d wear my ring. No matter what they say, I am still the king. And now the storm is coming, the storm is coming in.

A whirlwind couldn’t describe them. A hurricane was more accurate. A category 5 hurricane that would destroy everything in its path and the ruins behind were hard to pick up. Quinn James and Garrett Nickelsen were that category 5 death storm. They were both perfect and horrible for each other. Quinn was that firecracker that persuades Garrett to do things he’d normally never do. Garrett is the anchor that keeps Quinn at bay, not all over the place, like she’d normally be. But Quinn is a runner and when things get bad she runs. And Garrett is someone who let’s go too easily and won’t really fight for what he wants.

A storm was coming. That was certain. Would it make or break this couple?


Song Chosen from Contest: Degausser - Brand New
Contest This is Entered In: Write off Your Demons – Brand New Songfic Contest
Word Count: 1,588

Note: I don’t own Garrett, I own Quinn, I don’t own Brand New or Degausser. This is all fiction, made up in my head and you cannot steal it. Picture for banner found on tumblr, not sure the actual source.