The Oneshot Collective

Penguins Do It Better

Bad habits are like old lovers. They always return, like overcoming an addiction and making you sweat at night.

You said you were a bad habit when I met you, now you're an old lover.

You're like poison to my heart, but it hurts so good.

You said we'd never part.

You said it until I believed you and saw it for truth.

You sent me a gift in the mail. The note broke my heart.

Ten years later, it's still sore to the touch, but now you're back--why?!

"Haven't you done enough to me? Why did you have to come back?"

"I came to set things right between us. When I left you, it only hurt me that much more."

"It's been ten years, how can you possibly make up for it now?"

"You never opened it, did you?"

"Opened what?"

"The package, do you still have it?"

"Yeah.... I do, it's in the closet..."

Her heart felt like it was trying to choke her as she watched him retrieve the old and tattered brown paper parcel. Worn from a thousand touches and countless times she had almost opened it, his final gift.

"Unopened all this time," quick hands removed the crumbling paper with ease. She could remember other things those hands had touched and, not really wanting to, how they felt so soft but strong. Manly manicures she had called them, he'd scowl until she made his face crack into a smile every time.

Ten years hadn't done a thing to soften the blow of memories she'd rather forget. The seconds dragged on into hours in her mind, god how she hated her habit of observing every tiny detail. She hated it all the more when a little velvet box tumbled out of the parcel.

"This is why it hurt so much when you left. You were so angry and I just wanted you to be happy..."

Tears were rolling down her cheeks now as she stared at the perfect little pebble in the box.

Still tearing, she looked at him finally taking in the black and white tuxedo he was wearing and laughed.

"You dork, I'll always say yes to you."
♠ ♠ ♠

I just found this today (the date being 2011/16/7) and it was just so damn perfect and funny that I had to link it.