The Oneshot Collective

You Never Know In Airports

"Awww fuck, I'm working for this guy?"

She groaned, knowing she was fucked royally. She had just met her new boss, the guy she spent the last twenty seven hours trying to avoid and/or destroy. Lovely.

Let's rewind for a moment and see how this all took place.

Loki was waiting in the airport, like everyone does at some point in their lives. No big deal, just chill, have some coffee, wait for her flight to board. Pretty standard stuff.

Yet today, was just not dear Loki's day.

First, the cat had run off when she tried putting him in his little kennel type deal. Baxter just wasn't having any of it. So she was late getting to the airport.

Hurry up, get checked in, make sure the cat didn't escape.

Again, no big deal as her flight had been delayed. Lucky, wasn't it?

All was running as smoothly as possible until about thirty minutes before her flight would board. That is when she met him.

He was possibly the most gay looking man she had ever seen in her life.

"Hispanic," she thought to herself. This guy, dressed all in black: black (what she hoped) shirt, black pants (though they looked suspiciously like leggings, she only knew because she was wearing a similar pair), black socks, black shoes, black glasses, black hat. Black gloves and a mask and he would resemble a gothic mummy.

She decided just to read her book as they moved through the line, him right beside her thanks to the dual lines to "expedite the boarding process". Right. This was working fairly well until he started to sneeze, over and over and over again.

Now this would've been okay, if he had covered his mouth--which he hadn't!

"Sir, can you please cover your mouth when you sneeze? It's gross." She handed him a tissue and was going back to her book when he SNEEZED ON HER.

"Gross!" She grabbed the hand gel out of her carry on, Baxter mewing loudly, then hissed at the Man In Black.

"Why do you have a cat!?" He demanded between sneezes.

"Because I like them better than dogs--will you cover your mouth already!!" He had sneezed on her again, not good.

This went on for about ten minutes before airport security descended on them like buzzards on a dead squirrel. Then they went in for searches.

They were DETAINED.

Dear Loki was so not happy about this.

"This is all your fucking fault," sitting outside with the man, clove cigarette in hand. Blue smoke spilling from her mouth as she spoke.

"Iie, it's yours for having a cat!"

Hold up, "iie" was definitely not Spanish.

"You're Japanese?"

"Hai, what did you think I was?" Oh how she laughed.

"What is so funny?" His face reddened behind those dark dark glasses.

"I thought you were Mexican!" The poor girl just couldn't help herself at this point, it was just too good to pass up.

"Nani!?" Okay, Sneezy was not happy anymore and Baxter thought it was hilarious.

"Dude, you look like a pale Mexican."

"How would you know?"

"Because I'm a pale Mexican."

"Oh..." he didn't know quite what to say after that.

"So, thanks to you, we have been detained--"

"I believe we are both at fault for that."

"Like hell there's a "we" in there. I can't help that you're allergic to cats."

"I'm not, it's your perfume."

"Not the point--"

"Technically, it's your fau--"

"Will you shut the fuck up and let me talk without any interruptions?"


"Good. Now that we are detained you have successfully ensured that I will be unemployed when I reach Tokyo."

"How am I to blame?"

"I was supposed to start in two days. We're stuck here for another twenty hours. I'm fucked."

"I'm sure your boss will understand." She laughed, almost choking on her cigarette.

"Yeah, right. He's the one who told me to be in Tokyo, at his boutique, at a very precise time, otherwise he'd give my job to someone else. I'm fucked and it's your fault."

The man said nothing but did play with his phone, never once taking off his dark glasses or hat.

"It's mid July and you're wrapped up from head to toe."

"Airplanes are cold." Still messing with his phone.

"It's not cold down here, why not get a jacket?"

More silence.

"Okay Non Mexican, talk or don't sit so close to me."

He didn't move.

Loki did not like this.

"Ever hear of 'personal space'?"

"Hai," god he was annoying.

This went on until they were allowed back on a plane bound for Tokyo, non stop, right next to each other.

I think you can imagine the murderous thoughts running through Loki's head at this point.

It wasn't until the plane landed that she was able to breath easier--and pop a cigarette in her mouth.

As she exited the airport and somehow found a taxi she made a mental note of the time and realized that she had enough time to make it to the interview--just not enough to make it to her little "apaato". She figured he wouldn't mind too much if she had to bring her suitcase with her, she had left a message about the situation anyways. So, finally deciding, she told the decidedly grumpy cabbie where to go.

Twenty minutes later it was interview time.

D-Day she was calling it, thus becoming irony's bitch.

Her face paled when she saw her new boss sitting at his desk, only now in full make up and EGA attire. Yep, she was fucked.

Which brings us back to now.

Loki, knowing she had just wasted a lot of time and money getting here

Her boss, hiding a grin.

"You're hired."

She damn near cried in relief.