My Secret Life

Chapter 1

Chapter 1:
I woke up early this morning, way too early. I just laid there thinking. I looked over at the clock, 5:00. Awesome, what could be another of sleep but I’m wide freaking awake. Then I remember Todd.
“SHIT! He’s going to be mad” I told myself.
I reach for my phone. We got into a huge fight last night and I fell asleep. Shit, shit, shit! He’s going to be pissed. I opened my phone.
“10 unread messages”
“Todd, Todd, Todd, Todd, Ally, Todd, Todd, Joey, Aaron, and Todd.”
Ughhhhhhh……… He can be a real jerk sometimes. I wasn’t giving him the silent treatment. Maybe I fell asleep! Ass hole! Awwwwwwww!!!! I love him, he’s so sweet. Last text message sent:
“Must have fallen asleep, nite baby. I love u. Ur perfect, srry I got mad. Hope u can forgive me. Ur amazing, plz forgive me. Nite, sweet dreams.”
Lately Todd been thinking I’m cheating on him. I could never do that. He’s perfect. Well, I should get up and get ready. I still got 50 minutes though. Ugh, awesome way to start the day.
Last day of 8th grade, sweetness, I’m actual suppose to be a freshmen. Same goes my best friend Ally, but were not. Oh well, my boyfriend a sophomore. He gets out 20 minutes before I do and he drives so, he gets me when I get off school. We have a little fun before he takes me home, well if you know what I mean. Yes, I’m not a virgin.
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SORRY! Finish it later. Promise!