Status: ***ed Up.


First Breath After Coma

In ten years, I imagine myself being brave.

Doing things that, if I thought about doing today, I would freak out and shrink away from. Only thinking about the negatives and not the positives.

I would like to stand up for myself. I would like to be able to say 'fuck off' to someone without any fear of the consequences or what others might think of me.

I want to be independent. I don't want to be afraid of making the wrong choices anymore. I would like to be about to make my own fuckin' path and not give a damn about anyone else.

And all this, is not a 'would like to be'. I will be brave ten years from now. I will stand up for myself and be independent and do all the things I daydream of doing.

Making things into a 'would like to do' holds back people. It puts those goals in a dream state. Things you would like to do, but you 'can't' cause of some crookshit idea you forced your self to believe like its some law or shit.

Nobody has limits. Parents can't stop you, peers can't stop you, the government can't stop you, not even fuckin' gravity can stop you.

Limits are for cowards afraid of going forward.

[ Also, I'm would like to will be a psychologist with a private practice and all that jazz. I think that's what the point of today's challenge. Whoops ]
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First Breath After Coma
Explosions in the Sky