Status: ***ed Up.


I'm Gonna Run This Like A Lion

I'm too fuckin' young to be satisfied with life.

What am I suppose to be satisfied with? Friends? Grades? Life?

Pssh, yeah right. I've just started living, I have nothing to be satisfied with. I'm still living with my parents!

To be satisfied with life is to be content with what I have, to accept things how they are and how things work. Even when I'm a full adult I will not be 'satisfied'. Even if I make a six figure income I won't be satisfied. Their is so much in life to do, too much to do, learn, explore, create.

After mastering psychology I'm going to master the arts. Then I'm going to invent shit and then I might go for that far off dream of being an astronomer. Maybe a vet too.

Don't get me confused with being greedy; I'm not after consuming more than I can handle. I'm ambitious. So many people stop at one point in their life because they are 'satisfied' and content. People don't live up to their full potential because of this.

Their's a difference between living and being alive. Figure it the fuck out.
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Viola Lion
Isles and Glaciers