Status: I'm working on it.

Get off the Ledge and Drop the Knife

Get Off the Ledge and Drop the Knife

*Frank's POV*

It's cold. The wind is powerful. My thin sweater does absolutely nothing for me. It won't matter in a few minutes anyway, because I'll be dead. I'll fall off the face of this earth and no one will notice, or care for that matter. I'll just fall off this building and land on the sidewalk. It'll give people a good scare. I'd get a laugh out of that....if I was alive. I take a step closer to the edge. I know it's coming soon. The end. Soon, I'll be dead. I can't wait.
"get off the ledge and drop the knife,
Not a victim of a victim's life,
Because this ain't a room full of suicide" I sharply turned around. A beautiful boy stood behind me with angelic features. He was pale with jet black hair that went down to his shoulders. I recognized him as my downstairs neighbor. He walked over to me with a bounce to his step. This was a dark time but he seemed happy to be here. I did, in fact have a knife. It was hidden though, so I don't know how he knew. He stood behind me and took the knife from my sweater pocket. He slit his finger and wiped his blood on my face. For some reason, it sent tingled through my body. He dropped the knife off the building, sending it hundreds of feet to its death, instead of mine. He licked his blood off my face and his arms fell on my shoulders. Slowly, they caressed down the sides of my body, stopping at my waist. He pulled me close and whispered into my ear "you're worth it. When you realize that, I'll be waiting." He nibbled at my neck and smacked my ass and walked away.

I still jumped.

My body jolted awake and I quickly sat up in bed. I had a migraine. I got up and walked to the bathroom to get some pills. On the way, I realized who I had dreamt about and how happy it made me. This guy is so mysterious and sexy. I'd seen him walking in and out of our building but I never actually talked to him. Dreaming about him excited me so much though. It made me want to approach him.

And maybe I will.
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So um, what do you think? Comments would be real nice especially since I'm insecure about it and I barely write so I don't know if I'm good or not. So please comment?