Status: I'm working on it.

Get off the Ledge and Drop the Knife

You Care?

*Frank's POV*
Gerard and I are sitting here, eating the pancakes he made, since I always end up burning food. I haven't looked him in the eye since I told him about my dream. I'm embarassed and ashamed. I mean, I just told the guy that I dream about him. Pretty sure that's not normal.
"Frank," Gerard broke the silence.
"Yeah?" I asked, not daring to look up from my plate.
"Frank, look at me," he demanded.
I slowly raised my head up to look at him. My eyes looking everywhere but his eyes.
"Frank, please look at me. Stop looking away," he begged.
I reluctantly looked into his eyes, instantly regretting every second I spent diverting my eyes away from them.
"Why do you hate yourself?" he asked. His eyes burning into mine.
I couldn't look away. "Because, all my life, I've bee hearing about how I'm worthless, stupid, ugly, and not good enough and I actually started to believe it."
"But why? You're so intelligent and handsome, and you're better than anyone I know," his eyes still burning into mine. I had to look away because I didn't want to believe it.
"Gerard, everyday I'd get smashed into a locker, locked in a bathroom, get called names, be laughed at, and told how much of a poor excuse of a huma being I am. When you get this everyday, you start to believe it. No one ever stood up for me. No one ever told me otherwise," tears started rolling down my cheek. I stood up from my chair and looked down at Gerard, "Because nobody fucking cares!" I yelled, loudly.
Gerard looked up at me, "I care."
I looked into his eyes, and they were genuine. No hint of falseness at all. For some reason, this sent me into a flood of tears. I fell down to my knees, face in my palms and began sobbing uncontrollably. Gerard walked over to me and pulled my body to lean into his, making my wet face land on his chest. I tried to pull away because I didn't want to soak his shirt, but he wouldn't let me. So I just stayed there, crying into this perfect human being's chest becuase he cares. He rubbed circles on my back, making me relax as my sobs slowly quieted down to sniffs, which quieted down to breathing.
"Frank, forget about what anyone told you in the past because Gee's here, and Gee cares. And Gee is here to remind you that you're the best person you can be, which is the best person to me," he whispered loud enough so only I'd hear.
I nodded, "Thanks Gee." I gave him a hug. "I don't think I want to be alone today. You don't have work, right? We can hang out?"
He smiled,"Of course, I don't have work. It's Saturday. You know, they have open mic night on Saturdays too. We could go again. Except this time, you don't have to perform."
"Sounds good." I was relieved that he didn't leave. I'm afraid that if he did, I wouldn't be here when he gets back. I don't want to drag someone else into my sorrows.

*Gerard's POV*
After what I told him, I know that Frank still doesn't believe that he's good enough. I can see it in his eyes. I want to save him. Not for him, but for me and the rest of the world. I'm having some sort of attachment to him that I'm not so sure is purely friendly anymore. I know the whole world would want him around too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wait, so I actually updated? I stayed up til 5am after everyone else went to sleep to update? I must really love you guys. Still I won't be able to update frequently. But when I can, I will. And I feel shitty for my 12 subs that got notifications to see it's only an author's note.
So my feelings are iffy for this chapter.
Constructive criticism is very welcome. Encouraged, in fact. So, readers that don't comment, break out of your shell.
And thanks to xJoceliax for helping me with the idea for the previous chapter.
And thanks to the same few people that comment on every chapter. I love you all.