Status: I'm working on it.

Get off the Ledge and Drop the Knife

It's A Party, A Dance Party

*Gerard's POV*
Frank and I pushed through the crowd to get to the front of the stage. People seemed to be excited about a certain band performing tonight, so they must be good. I don't even know their name though. We had a pretty decent day. We just talked about random shit and didn't dare to start a serious conversation.
"Having fun?" I asked Frank.
He looked at me weird, "The band hasn't even come on yet," he stated.
As if on cue, out comes this crazy looking guy with huge spikey hair. He stepped up to the mic and opened his mouth,
"La-di-da-di-da-di, we like to party-party.
We always causin' trouble-trouble bothering everybody.
We are just some men upon the mic
And when we grab the pitch,
Yo, we grab that shit tight!
Fuck all of y'all who's goin' to hell,
Just keep on smilin' and enjoy yourself
'Cause it's cool when you 'cause a cozy condition,
And that's what we create because that be our mission.
So, listen close to what we say because-
This type of shit happens every day.
This type of shit happens every day!
This type of shit happens every day!!

I woke up around 2 in the mornin'.
Did a lot of coke, strechin', yawnin'.
Went into the bathroom to wash up:
Put the soap on my face and my hand on my crotch and said,
"Mirror, mirror on-on the wall,
Who be the top choice of-of them all?"
There was a rubble-rubble-dubble;
Five minutes it lasted.
The mirror said,
"You are, you conceited bastard!"
Well, that's true!
That's why we never have no beef.
And so I washed off the soap and I brushed the gold teeth,
Changed my clothes, part my hair;
I busted out the brand new Gucci underwear.
And for all the little girls that I might take home, we have
The Johnson's baby powder and the Polo cologne.
Fresh-dressed like a million dolla's:
I wore the high-tops and popped the flat colla'.
Stepped out the crib, stopped short-
Shit, I forgot my fucking Kangol!

Then I dilly-dally, me run into an alley.
Got me bust into me old girl Shaniqua from the valley.
God damn bitch played hard to get,
So I said, "What's up girl? You look like shit."
Don't cry, dry your eye.
Sally sees her momma and says, "You all better hide tonight."
Because her mom stepped up from behind,
Hit her in the face, stabbed her in the eye,
Punched her in the belly, stepped on her feet,
Slammed the girl on the hard concrete.
Bitch was strong, her mind was gone,
Somethin' seemed wrong; now what is going on?
I tried to bust it up, I said, "Stop it, leave her."
She said, "If I can't have you, she can't either."

She grabbed me hard, around my cock
So, I broke out like I had the chicken pox.
Her momma gave chase; she caught us quickly.
She put her fucking finger in the face of Little Jimmy and said,
"Why don't you give me some play?
Stop avoiding me like you is gay.
I wet my pants whenever you say,
'Bitches love me cause they know that I can beat box.'
Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, can't you see
Sometimes your words just hypnotize me.
I love your faggy ways, I guess that's why you're always getting laid."
Ooo, on and on and on and on and... whatever...
I said, "I'm out," and then I gave her a kiss.
I said, "You can't have me, I am too young for you miss."
She said, "No you are not," then she starts crying.
I said, "I'm 18," and she says, "Stop lying!"
I'm serious, go ask my mother.
And with your wrinkled pussy, you can't be my lover."
I pretty much giggled throughout the entire song and so did Frank. This "Jimmy" guy is pretty damn funny. His hair just adds to his crazy ass lyrics.
I turned to Frank, "Now I see what all the hype was about. This guy is a fucking genius."
Frank nodded in agreement, still laughing. I smiled. It seems like it's easy to make him laugh and I just love seeing him smile. Wait, did I seriously just admit that? I didn't do it out loud, right? I looked at Frank, he was still laughing. I guess not. I sighed out of relief. The last thing I need is to develop feelings for Frank and ruin our whole friendship. I grabbed Frank by the elbow and dragged him to the bar. I wanted to have fun again and I wanted him to do the same. By the time we reached the bar, I noticed that three other people joined Jimmy on stage. Two girls and a guy. They must be in the band. They started platying a song that had something to do with dancing with a person and a fucking bitch but I wasn't really paying attention. I asked the bartender for two beers and passed one to Frank, who had finally stopped laughing. I titled my head to the right, god his giggle is adorable. I kept staring til Frank snapped in my face and I realized I was staring. I seriously need to stop this. I chugged down my beer and signaled to the bartender to bring me another. I chugged that one down too and only after I finished did I hear the lyrics.
"Never wanted to dance with nobody but you..." and I immdeiately looked at Frankie. It was true, I never wanted to dance with anybody. I hate dancing. But now, I have some sort of temptation to dance with him. I took his beer out of his hand and placed it down on the bar and dragged him towards the sea of bodies. It's funny how he goes wherever I drag him, putting full trust in me. I wrapped my fingers around his and raised them into the air, moving my body. He gave me a confused look then realized that I was trying to dance. He giggled and moved his own body too, right in sync with mine. Our bodies weren't even moving to the song, we had our own rythm. And we followed it perfectly. When the song ended though, we ended. Our dance ended. Our chemistry ended. Our moment ended. I saw Frank blush and I quickly turned away. I probably embarassed him or made him uncomfortable. I walked back to the bar and signaled for yet another beer, to wash these feelings away. I was quickly joined by Frank, who did the same.
"Why'd you walk away so quickly?" he asked.
"I though you were uncomfortable," I admitted under my breath. Somehow, he still heard me.
"No, Gerard. That was the most fun I've had in a while," he told me, looking me dead in the eye, a serious expression.
"Oh, that's good then," I nodded.
"Gerard, you don't understand."
"I don't have fun. I don't dance. I don't do anything like that in public. But I just did and I fucking had fun," he told me, a wide smile on his face.
"Oh," I smiled back. "Maybe we should make this a regular thing. 'Fun time with Gerard Way and Frank Iero'"
"I wouldn't mind that," he giggled. "You know, the way you's pretty sassy and feminine."
I rolled my eyes and lightly punched him in the arm, "As if I haven't been told that enough."
And with that, we made our way back to our apartment building. This time, in silence. Like last night, I followed Frank to his apartment and he let me in without question. I followed him to his room and watched as he stripped down to his boxers. After he layed down, I joined him right in bed, putting my arm around his waist and falling asleep on his shoulder.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know if 'La Di Da Di' is just Jimmy or MSI so I used Jimmy.
I'm iffy on the ending so honest and constructive comments would be nice.
I know it's taking forever, but they'll get together soon, I promise.