Status: I'm working on it.

Get off the Ledge and Drop the Knife

Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, Can't You See? Sometimes Your Words Just Hypnotize Me

*Frank's POV*
I woke up exactly where I fell asleep, with Gerard on my shoulder and his arm around my waist. Except, I think his grip tightened over the night and he had a satisfied smile plastered on his face. I looked at the clock and noticed it was 1pm. Despite, how much I love seeing his smile, I shook Gerard awake. I don't want to get too wrapped up in his beauty having high hopes, just to have them shot down. It's obvious that he just wants to be friends. Sure, we danced last night, but we were drunk so it doesn't mean anything. I'll just end up hurting myself and after Gerard making me feel better I don't really wanna go back to being completely suicidal.
After a few shakes, Gerard finally opened his eyes. I smiled when he did. His eyes are so beautiful.
"Morning," he said.
"Good afternoon, actually," I giggled.
"Is it afternoon already?" he asked. I nodded yes. He shrugged. "I could still do for some coffee," he stated.
"Ok, I'll get it started," I got free of his hold on me and walked to the kitchen. I opened the cabinet that usually held my coffee to discover that I had run out. I mumbled a few curses to myself and dragged myself back to my room, only to see that Gerard had fallen back asleep. I threw my shirt that was on the floor at him.
"SHIT!" he jolted, looking around.
I giggled, "Dude, I leave for two minutes and you fall back asleep?"
"I'm tired," he mumbled into my pillow.
"I am too, but I'm out of coffee. I'll just run to Starbucks and get some and leave you to your sleep." He nodded. I grabbed a random shirt and jeans and threw them on. I tamed my hair and sloppily put on sneakers and walked out of my apartment.
Once I reached Starbucks, I immediately recognized someone from last night. Jimmy. Forgetting the coffee, I walked up to him and tapped him. He turned around and raised his eyebrows expectantly, but then lowered them.
"You look familiar," he stated.
I turned bright red for some reason, "Oh, well, um, I saw you perform at the club last night with your band. You're really amazing. I mean, I was cracking up at your first song. Yeah, good times," I chuckled nervously.
He looked at me like I just spoke in another language. Oh no, I freaked him out didn't I? I didn't mean to, I just thought he was a great performer. Shit.
Suddenly, he smiled widely. "Thanks. I had a good fucking time." I sighed of relief. "It seems like you did too."
"What do you mean?"
"What do I mean? I saw you dancing with that guy. You guys seemed to pretty into it."
"Oh, well you know, we were drunk. Just having a good time."
"Mhmm," he nodded, "How good was the fuck?"
"The what?"
"The fuck. C'mon, I know you guys fucked when you got home."
I turned tomato red this time. I looked around to make sure no one heard and then violently shook my head, "We didn't."
He eyed me suspiciously, then nodded. "But you wish you did."
"No I don't."
"C'mon short stuff. It's written all over your face."
I think my face got even redder, if that's even possible.
"You're wrong," I said and walked over to the line. He followed me.
"I'm right." he whispered in my ear. I shivered.
I shook my head and stared straight ahead, getting lost in my thoughts. Is he right? I mean, I find Gerard attractive, but do I wish we had sex? No. No. It's too soon and I don't even know him like that. He's just my friend and that's fucking weird.
"Sir?" an aggravated voice disrupted my thoughts.
"Yeah?" I asked the cashier, who wasn't Bert. I guess he doesn’t work today.
"Your order?" she said as if it was obvious.
"Oh yeah. Um, two venti coffees, black"
"Make that three," Jimmy added. I shot him a glare.
After a few minutes, the cashier produced the three coffees. After failing to give me any money for his coffee, I glared at Jimmy again and fished in my pocket for my wallet. I paid for the coffees. Before I could, Jimmy grabbed all three of the coffees and walked over to a table and sat down. I sighed and rolled my eyes, following him.
"Ok, so, if you didn't want to fuck this guy, which I'm sure you did want to, what do you want?" he asked. Clearly not taking the hint that I didn't want to talk about it.
"Nothing," I said coldly. It didn't faze him.
"Nothing? I don't believe it." God, this guy can be such a bastard.
"Fine. You wanna know?" He nodded. "I've had my eye on this guy, Gerard, for a long time now but never got the guts to say hi. Finally, one day, I did. And since then, we've been pretty good friends. We're both gay but I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me. But I have a huge crush on him. I don't want to pursue him though, because I don't want to ruin out friend ship and get heartbroken. I can get lost in his beautiful, hazel eyes. He's so genuine and deep and he's such a good person. He cares about me, unlike most people and he just makes me happy. He's my best friend and we've only known each other about a week," I took a deep breath, "Happy?"
Jimmy nodded, grabbed his cup of coffee, and walked out of the shop, leaving me there, shocked that I admitted all that to a stranger. I don't know if I feel better or worse.
I slammed my apartment door shut and threw myself on the couch. Gerard came out from my bedroom and flopped down next to me, immediately taking a cup of coffeE. He sipped it, and then made a funny face.
"Why is the coffee so damn cold?" he questioned.
"Don't even ask."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so, I don't really know how Jimmy is in real life so just accept this Jimmy and roll with him. I reeeeally like this chapter and I think you can expect another update from me within an hour. So, yeah, leave me your thoughts cuz I could use suggestions. As always, constructive criticism is welcome.
Shout out to chriss182 for helping me with the idea for this chapter. Go read her story and subscribe and comment!