Status: I'm working on it.

Get off the Ledge and Drop the Knife


*Gerard's POV*

I woke up with a smile on my face. I looked to my left and there was Frank, in my arms, sleeping. This is proof that last night wasn't a dream. We kissed and it felt so good. I reached out and stroked his face, still grinning widely. Frank placed his hand over mine and opened his eyes. He smiled, then frowned, then jumped out of the bed.
"What's wong?" I asked, confused.
"Why were you stroking my face?" he questioned.
"Oh, um, because you look peaceful while you sleep and I wanted to make sure you were real," I admitted.
"Does it matter if I'm real or not?" he asked, looking down.
"Because," I walked over and took his hands in mine, "I like you, silly."
He slipped his hands out of mine and took a step back, "No, you don't."
I took a step forward, "Yeah, I do. I told you last night. We kissed."
He pushed me back, "We were drunk."
My face contorted into a look of hurt. Why was he acting like this? He told me he liked me last night. And he kissed me back, right? Oh no, what if this is all in my head?
"Frank, we weren't drunk. Neither of us had a sip of alcohol," I told him.
He sighed, "I know."
Now I'm really confused. "Then why are you acting this way?"
He looked into my eyes. God, I love when he does that. "I just thought that it was an 'in the moment thing'. That you don't really like me the way I like you. I don't want to be anymore than I already am."
My heart sank. He's so low on self esteem that he can't even believe that I like him. I walked back over to him and took his hands in mine again. This time he left them there but turned his head away. I removed one of my hands from his and turned his face towards mine. I stared deeply into his eyes before leaning in slowly and gently pressed my lips to his. I pulled away and leaned my forehead against his.
"I meant what I said, Frankie. I like you, a lot," I whispered. He nodded. "Be my boyfriend, please?" He looked up into my eyes, as if questioning if I meant what I asked him. I nodded as a yes. He kissed my cheek.
"Okay," he whispered. "Now, do you want coffee? We'll have to go to Starbucks again."
I smiled, "I'd love to get coffee with my boyfriend," I stated, causing him to blush.
Frank and I walked hand in hand into a pretty much empty Starbucks. We walked right up to the counter and there was Bert.
He smiled when he saw us, "Hey guys..." His speech slowed as he looked down at our hands. "Uh, what can I get for ya?"
"You know what I like and we'll get the same for this little beauty," I said, nudging Frank. Bert nodded and got working on our coffees.
I pulled out my wallet, but he shook is head. "It's on the house."
"Thanks," I smiled.
"So, what, are you two a thing now?" he asked, looking down at our hands again.
"Yeah, we made it official about twenty minutes ago," Frank answered proudly. I smiled at him.
"Cool. That's awesome," Bert semi-smiled and coughed.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah. It's just a cough. Nothing to worry about," he assured me.
"Ok, well thanks again for the coffee," I said, grabbing our coffees and leading Frank to a table.
"So," Frank began as soon as we sat down. "Tell me about your first romance?"
"Oh, um, okay. Well, it was actually with a girl. Her name was Barbara and she was this really cute chick and I was this lonely fat kid. She was into all these cool bands and stuff and I really liked her. But, um, then, she went on vacation to Greece and dumped me before she left because she wanted to have 'fun'," I admitted, my cheeks flushing red. I always get embarassed when I admit that. "It kinda brutalized me. I was crying for about a week.," I continued, looking down.
Frank chuckled, "Seriously?"
"Yeah, seriously. And it sucked," I said with a straight face.
Frank giggled harder.
"Hey, it's not funny," I told him.
"You're right. It's hilarious."
I stuck my tongue out at him. "Well, after that, I decided that I was actually attracted to the specimen of man more. You're my first relationship since," I admitted, my cheeks getting even more red.
"Awww, really?" Frank put his hand over his heart.
"Yes, really," I said. "So don't screw it up," I teased.
"Believe me," he said genuinely, "I won't."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! Sorry it's been a whole week since I updated! I'll admit, I just kinda didn't feel like it.
But anyways, here's a new chapter and I hope you like it.
And if you're expecting boy sex anytime soon, I wouldn't hold my breath cuz idk how to write stuff like that. So, I might ask someone else to write it WHEN the time comes.
Updates will be even more rare cuz I start school next week and my sister is also going back to college and she's taking her laptop with here so I'm just left with my mom's iPad. I hope this doesn't stop you from reading though, because I want you guys to enjoy even if the updates are rare.
And um, hey readers, you should really comment. I mean, I have like a few people that never fail to comment, so thanks. But you shy readers should come out of your shells too! You'd be surprised at how much they motivate me. =D
Love you all.