Status: I'm working on it.

Get off the Ledge and Drop the Knife

Mikey ***in Way?

*Frank's POV*

Now that I'm up, I don't really think I can go back to sleep. It doesn't bother me too much. I mean, it's already 11:30. I guess I could go visit my neighbor, right? I just need an excuse to go. I mean, we've both been living here for over a year so I can't pull the whole "I'm new" thing. Not that he's ever actually noticed me. But still, better safe than sorry. So hmmm, an excuse. I guess it could just be that I got his mail by accident? Yeah, I'll go with that. I walked over to my dresser and tore through my clothes looking for the perfect thing to wear. I don't know why I'm trying so hard to impress him. It's not like he'd be interested. I guess I just don't want to look like the ugly fuck that I am. He's probably straight, though. I could swear I hear lady moans coming from down there sometimes.
I decided on my tight Misfits shirt and my tightest pair of black skinny jeans that are still kind of loose on my skinny body. I looked in the mirror and sighed. I'm so ugly. I'd look better wearing a fucking mask. The only thing I like about my appearance is my hair. I fucking love my hair. It's a fringe on one side with both sides short and bleached. I grabbed my red eye shadow and applied it around my eyes, making me look extra sick. I slipped on my cute doggy slippers because they're comfortable and it's not like I'm going outside anyway. I gave myself another look in the mirror like a fucking school girl. Satisfied, I headed out my apartment and downstairs to this guy's apartment. I just realized, I don't even know his name. I got to his door which was nicely decorated with a sign that says "I was killing before killing was cool" in blood red letters followed by "Welcome!" in yellow, happy letters with a smiley face. I smiled to myself and raised my hand to the door. I almost knocked, then I chickened out. I lowered my hand then walked away. What am I doing? I can't do this...But maybe I should. I mean, he was in my dream for a reason, right? No, it was only because I've seen him aound and I just think he's attractive. Right, I'll just go back upstairs then. However, my body did the exact opposite. Unwillingly, I walked over and knocked on the door lightly. After about five seconds, no one showed up so I slowly walked back towards the stairs. Suddenly, the door flung open and I was greeted by..."Mikey Fuckin Way"?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so you guys have been soooo good to me so thank you for that.
Shout outs to the following for being my first commenters.
zombie heart
I probably won't update again today because i won't have the ipad AGAIN. But I'll prpbably write tonight and update it tomorrow morning.
So yeah, thank you so much. =D
Oh and please excuse it if it's not perfect grammar and punctuation wise. I'm updating from an ipad so I don't have Word to correct it and stuff.
And I'm sorry it's so short. I'm still figuring out how I want Gerard to be so I couldn't have Frank meet him yet. Maybe next time...