Status: I'm working on it.

Get off the Ledge and Drop the Knife


I'm face to face with my neighbor. And though I've seen him around many times before, his appearance still shocks me. He's just so beautiful. His black hair just falls perfectly and frames his face well. His hazel eye are so pure and beautiful. They're intense. Like as if he's looking into your soul. Peering into places that only belong to you. Seeing things that you try so hard to keep secret. His tight shirt read "Mikey Fuckin Way". His pajama pants were a bit tight on him, but in all the right places.
I returned my gaze back to his eyes and sort of got lost in them. After, a while, I realized I was staring. I immediately turned red.
"Um, Mikey?" I finally asked. He looked at me with great confusion. Then he looked down and his expression changed to a friendly smile.
"Oh, no. That's my brother. This is just his shirt. I'm Gerard." he held out his hand, which I shook awkwardly. I silently cursed myself.
"Oh. He has a nice shirt then." I chuckled awkwardly.
"And your name?"
"Oh, right. Yeah, no, I don't have a shirt that says my name."
He laughed. "I meant, what's your name?"
Duh, Frank! I'm such an idiot I swear. "I'm Frank Iero. I live upstairs."
"Oh, cool. Come in, come in. I was just starting up some coffee. Would you like some?"
"Fuck yeah. I can't start my day without coffee," I said a but too excitedly. He stepped aside so I could get in. He had an awesome ass apartment. Every inch of the walls were covered in art. I recognized some paintings, but others looked unfamiliar. The bookshelves were lined with comic book figures. The ceiling was painted black and I assumed that the walls were as well, but I couldn't really see. The sweet smell off coffee wafted in from somewhere. I assumed it was the kitchen. I just stood there taking it all in.
"Sit down. No need to feel awkward here," he cleared some sketch pads off the couch so I could sit. Am I making my awkwardness visible? Shit. I sat down.
"I'll be right out with the coffee. How do you like it?"
"Black. Just like my metal." He chuckled at that. At least I can make him laugh. He came back with the coffee about a minute later.
"So, to what pleasure is it that I am greeted with your company?" he sat down next to me. Pretty close to me too.
"Um, I got your mail by accident."
"Oh, sorry about that."
"It's cool." he looked at me expectantly. I raised my eyebrows in question. "So, where's the mail?"
"The mail! Oh, right, the mail. I guess I left it upstairs. I'll just go get it." I set my coffee down and got up to leave and never return. How could I use such an excuse when I didn't even have mail to give him? I'm such a fucking idiot. He grabbed me by the arm.
"No, it's cool. It was probably junk mail anyway. Sit." I sat. He looked at my scorpion tattoo on my neck. "Good luck getting a decent job with that."
I giggled "Thanks. I don't really want to conform to the laws of society anyway. If I get a job, it'll be one that accepts people with tattoos. Not a fucking desk job."
"We think alike, Frankie." Did he just give me a nickname? God, he's so cute. And he's so sweet. He looks you right in the eye when you talk. He gives you his undivided attention. You can tell he's genuine.
I glanced at the wall again. "Just taking a wild guess here. Do you like art?"
"I do." A wide smile took over his face. "I've been into art ever since I was really little. I owe it to my grandma. She got me started with it."
"Are some of those yours?"
"Yeah. Most of them are. I just have some random paintings up that people give to me as gifts. People assume that since I like art, I want a painting for christmas or my birthday, but believe it or not, I have other interests."
"Like comic book figures?" I teased.
He smiled. "Exactly!" I just can't get over how adorable this guy is. He's funny, sweet, nerdy, artistic, and genuine. And I've only spent like 10 minutes with this guy! His black hair makes him look like a total bad ass, but on the inside, he's a really big sweetheart.
"....but then she died," I just realized that the whole time I was thinking girly thoughts about him, he was talking.
"Who died?"
"My grandma. You know, the one I was just telling you about?" he showed no signs of annoyance.
"Oh, sorry. I'm just really mesmerized by your art. It's so..."
"Dark?" he finished for me. I nodded. "I know. I like my art to be dark. It let's out all the bad inside me and allows me to be a good and happy person." I smiled. Its beautiful that he thinks that way. This guy is just perfect. "Oh, look at the time. I have to go to work. I'm trying to pitch this cartoon to Cartoon Network. But um, you're a cool guy, so maybe he can hang later?" I quickly nodded. "Cool. I'll just knock in your door."
And with that, he showed me out of the apartment. He smiled and waved as a goodbye and then closed the door. I stood in one spot for a few minutes just smiling like an idiot. I was really blown away by him. I'm glad I got my pansy ass to go visit him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lol yes, I snuck some MSI lyrics in there.
So um, you guys have been so supportive. I love you all. Sorry if there are typos, I'm in a rush. Idk when to expect your next update so just hange in there.