Status: I'm working on it.

Get off the Ledge and Drop the Knife

Pretty, Low, Very Handsome Awkard

I finally walked up to my apartment. I immediately went over to my guitar, Pansy, and picked her up. I started playing. Just playing. I don’t know what I was playing, though. I never heard it before. It just came to me. It sounded beautiful though. I wasn’t even thinking about it. It came from my heart and all these feeling that I felt from meeting Gerard. I’m pretty sure I had a wide, cheesy smile on. I didn’t care though. It felt good. I played for hours. My fingers hurt but I didn’t stop, until I heard pounding on my door. I stopped playing and walked over, wondering who could be visiting me. I didn’t bother to put Pansy down; it’s probably nobody important any way. I opened the door, not expecting to see Gerard, but that is who I saw.

“Oh. Uh, hi,” I mumbled.

“Hey, wanna go grab some coffee?”

“I thought you had to go to work”

“I did. Dude, I’ve been gone for five hours"

“Really?” I scratched my head. Time flies with good old Pansy. “Wow. Sure. Let’s go.” I began to walk out of my apartment.



“Aren’t you forgetting something?”

“Am I?” Shit, what? I am wearing pants, right? Yeah, I am.

“Your slippers.” He pointed at my feet.

I looked down at my feet as well to see that I was still wearing my slippers. I blushed a little and mentally smacked myself. “Oh right.” I quickly kicked them off and put on some black converse. “Ready.”

He chuckled at me. I looked away. I grabbed my leather jacket and keys and we walked out. I swiftly locked all 3 locks on my door (you need to be precautious in NYC) and we were off. We went to the nearest Starbucks which is like, across the street. Apparently he’s a huge coffee lover, like me. When we walked in, Gerard immediately recognized the guy working.

“Hey Bert,” Gerard greeted a guy with crazy black hair slightly longer than Gerard’s. “Bert this is Frank. Frank this is Bert”

“Hey, short stuff,” Bert smiled.

“Hi, jungle head,” I retorted.

He giggled. “This guy isn’t too bad. So what’ll it be, Gerd?”

“Oh, you already know, Bert. Venti black coffee for me and whatever Frankie here wants,”
I smiled at my nickname. “I’ll have the same.”

“Cool. I’ll have those for you in a minute. I’ll put your names down as Brad and Angelina, just to have people freak,” Bert got started on the coffees.

“He’s a cool guy,” I stated.

“He is,” Gerard agreed. “I always come to this Starbucks so I’m pretty well acquainted with him. We even tried dating once but that didn’t work. So, we’re friends”
I nearly choked on my spit. Did, he just admit to me that he’s gay? “So, you’re gay?” I questioned hesitantly.

“Yup. And if you’re a homophobe you can get the fuck out and we won’t ever have to get coffee together again.”

“Oh, me? I’m not.”

“I could tell. You’re a cool kid, Frankie,” he ruffled my hair.

Is that what I am to him? A kid?
♠ ♠ ♠
title from "pretty handsome awkward" by the used.
I put Bert in there cuz I wanted to. And people always make him evil, so I made him not evil.
Sorry for the wait. And I'm sorry that this is fillery.
It'll be better next time but i'm tired.
So, enjoy?