Status: I'm working on it.

Get off the Ledge and Drop the Knife

I'll shred your face off

We sat down at an empty table with our coffees. Gerard paid, which was sweet of him. He’s turning out to be an amazing guy. I’m glad I went and met him because I think I’m developing a small crush on him and I’ve only met him a few hours ago! He’s just so sweet, funny and caring. And did I mention he’s fucking sexy? Just the way his hair falls onto his face, how he speaks out of one side of his mouth, how he moves his hands around animatedly with his pinkies reaching far out. I find it all adorable and sexy at the same time.
“So, you play guitar?” Gerard asked, breaking my thought. Which was good, because if I kept on, I might have gained a situation…
“Yeah, I do. I’ve been playing since I was 11. I love it,” I answered. I completely forgot about what I was thinking about before. Once you mention guitar, I’m all into it.
“That’s cool. It sounds like you’re really good. You seem to put your heart into it. I listened for a while before I knocked.”
“Yeah, I do. Maybe one day you can watch me play and watch me poor my ooey gooey feelings into my playing,” I giggled.
He kept a straight face and genuinely said, “I’d love that.”
I had to look away. This guy kills me. “Do you play?” I asked. Getting the subject off me.
“No, not really. I mean, I’ve tried in the past, but I really suck.”
“Aw, I’m sure you’re not that bad.”
“Oh, trust me, I am,” he said, taking a sip of his coffee. “I got kicked out of a band because I couldn’t play ‘Sweet Home Alabama’”
I giggled. That’s such an easy song. I didn’t say that out loud though.
“I’m glad my failure amuses you,” he teased.
“Well, at least you can draw,” I fired back. “I can only draw stick figures.”
He chuckled, “That’s okay. Like I mentioned earlier, I’ve been at it for years. Longer than you’ve been playing guitar. My art skills may very well be better than your guitar skills,” He flashed a smile.
“Oh, yeah? I wouldn’t count on that. I could shred your face off with my guitar.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
“Anytime, anywhere.”
“Fine. There’s an open-mic thing at this club on Friday. Do it there.”
“Yeah, unless you’re too scared.”
“Oh, I’m not.”
“Good. Friday’s also my birthday, just in case you were wondering.”
“How old will you be?”
“Oh, you old fart,” I teased. “I’m 19.”
He punched me lightly. “Oh, you are? You look 14.”
I scrunched my nose. “I do?”
“Yeah, but it’s okay. It matches your immature personality,” he giggled at his own joke. I rolled my eyes which for some reason caused him to laugh harder. His laugh was beautiful, though. Angelic. It always reached his eyes. It was a weird one too. It made me smile.
*Gerard’s POV*
I just got home from Starbucks with Frankie. He’s really an awesome kid. I’m glad I finally have one friend here. Mikey seems to be doing just fine. Bringing girls home every night. No one seems to really wanna be my friend around here though. It doesn’t actually bother me much though. I find comfort in solitude, but Frank is a seriously cool dude and I actually enjoy his company. He’s much different from the jerks in New Jersey….. Suddenly, Mikey’s bedroom door swung open and out came a blond chick wearing a short, tight dress. I bet she thinks she looks sexy, but in reality she looked quite foolish. Her boobs are totally fake, too. She gave me a small flirty wave and walked out the door. Mikey came out next and plopped down on the couch next to me. He had crazy sex hair and he only had his boxers on. He had hickeys all over his neck and chest.
“Oh, Gerard. That was the best sex ever. Dude, she’s a gymnast,” he gushed to me.
“Ew, dude. I don’t wanna hear about your sex life,” I winced.
“You’re just jealous that you don’t get laid every other night, like me.”
“Yup, that’s it, Michael James. I’m jealous that I don’t have a chance of getting STD’s from fucking every girl I meet,” I stuck my tongue out at him.
He rolled his eyes, “And when was the last time you got laid?”
I looked down, “Never.”
“Well excuse me if I wanna save myself for Mr.Right,” I knew not to take this seriously. We have these friendly brotherly arguments all the time. “And how does your awkward ass score so many chicks? How do you even approach them?”
He smiled, “I get drunk as fuck.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! So, we finally meet Mikey and finally get in Gerard's head.
We'll learn more about him, soon, I promise.
Sorry if them getting together is too slow for you or anything, deal with it.
I want it to be different. Most stories, they get together really fast.
Comments? And subs?
I mean I have 27 readers and 3 subs....
Love you guys.