Status: I'm working on it.

Get off the Ledge and Drop the Knife


*Gerard’s POV*
Being a virgin doesn’t bother me all that much. I like that my first time will be with someone special, because I know I won’t give into anybody but someone special. I do wonder sometimes. I mean, Mikey is always fucking some girl and he makes it seem like it’s really fun. But just because it’s fun, doesn’t mean I’ll throw myself at everybody. I went and grabbed a beer from the fridge and retreated to my room. I grabbed my sketch bad and plopped down on my bed, beer in hand. I finished the beer before I even started drawing, so I went to the kitchen and grabbed 4 more. I knew I’d need them. It was one of those nights. Now, I don’t get drunk every night, but sometimes, I feel like I need to. So I can let things out that I didn’t know I was keeping inside. So I’m not afraid to be creative and experimental with my art. I opened my next beer and really got started. I really don’t know what I was drawing. It seemed like it was just a bunch of lines. I noticed that I was starting to draw eyes from these lines. I don’t know whose eyes they were, but they were beautiful.
I jumped from my bed causing me to roll onto the floor. I must’ve fallen asleep while drawing. I didn’t even finish my 2nd beer. It didn’t spill luckily enough. Anyways, what the fuck is going on upstairs? I think it’s coming from Frank’s apartment. He lives directly above me, right? Whatever, it sounds like somebody needs help. I dragged myself off the floor and out into the living room. I heard moaning and squeaks coming from Mikey’s room. I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself. This kid knows what he’s doing. I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door to the apartment that I believed is right over mine. Frankie yanked open the door within 2 seconds.
“Oh, hi, Gerard,” he greeted me nervously. “What are you doing up here so late?”
“Um, well I heard thumping coming from up here so I came to see if you were alright,” I admitted.
“Well, I do have a slight problem. Could you come inside?”
“Sure, what’s the problem?”
“Just follow me.” He led me to what I thought was his bedroom but the lights were off so I couldn’t see. Suddenly, he flicked the lights on causing me to wince and cover my eyes.
“Sorry,” he said shyly. Something must really be bothering him.
“It’s okay,” I assured, “So, what’s going on?”
“There’s a spider in my room,” he admitted while looking down to the floor, ashamed.
“Oh, no problem. I’ll get it. Where is it?”
“I saw it by my bed last,” he looked up with some hope in his eyes. “No way I’m going back in there knowing that an eight legged creature could be snuggled up in my bed.”
I walked over and pushed his bed away from the wall, noticing his ‘Batman’ sheets. I smiled. I quickly found the spider, a small little creature.
“Hey, Frankie? Get me a piece of paper,” I wasn’t gonna kill him. That’s just not right. He gave me some paper and I got the spider to crawl onto it. I walked it over to the window and gently let him out. I turned back to Frank.
“Thanks for doing that,” his face turned slightly red, “And thanks for not laughing. Other people usually do. I have like a deathly fear of spiders, though.”
“Oh, it’s no problem, really,” I said, waving it off. “Besides, I’m deathly afraid of needles and you have a shit load of tattoos. There’s something that you can laugh at me for.”
He shook his head, “No, I totally get it. It’s just not some peoples’ thing.”
I nodded in agreement and yawned, realizing how tired I was. “Need anything else?” I offered. He shook his head. “Okay, well, call if you need anything,” I grabbed the closest pen and neatly wrote my name on his arm, so that I was sure he’d have the write number. I walked to the door.
“Gerard?” I turned around, “Seriously, thanks.”
“No problem,” I flashed a smile, “Nice scorpion, by the way.” And with that, I was gone. Back to the comfort of my own bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Feel free to correct me if you see anything wrong. By the time I finish writing, I'm too lazy to reread.
It's slow, I know. Continue to deal.
More subs? and comments wouldn't hurt.