Status: I'm working on it.

Get off the Ledge and Drop the Knife


*Frank’s POV*
I woke up at around 11 am again. Instead of bothering my handsome neighbor, I decided to work on what I wanted to play for the open mic thing. I think I’ll extend what I played yesterday, but I have no lyrics. I’m not sure what I have to say and I don’t know if I can sing and play at the same time. I guess it could just be instrumental. I worked on it literally all day. Fixing things here and there. I had to make sure it was perfect. I had to make sure it showed the emotion of just meeting Gerard Way, because really, that’s an event of a lifetime. I can tell that he’s a really special guy. One that you don’t just let go.
At around 6, someone knocked on my door. Once again, I took Pansy with me when I opened the door. It was Gerard.
“Ah, so you’ve been working on your shredding?” he did air quotes with his fingers while he said shredding.
I glared at him, “All day actually. I only stopped to piss.”
He laughed, “Why you working so hard? Think you’re not good enough?”
I sighed dramatically, “Gerard, did you have a purpose for disrupting my important date with Pansy?”
He giggled, “Yeah, I did. Can I bother you for dinner?”
I was shocked. He actually wants to spend time with me? Is this a date? No, of course not.
“Sure,” I finally answered. “I’ll just, uh, get dressed,” I looked down sheepishly at my bare chest and boxers, remembering that I hadn’t bother to dress today, “You can just, um, sit in here and wait,” I Pansy to him and ran to my room, frantically looking for something nice to wear. I mean if I’m going to have dinner with such a good looking person, I can’t go looking like shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ugh, ok I know it's short and fillerish but it just has to be that way.
Firstly, I haven't had internet all week so I couldn't update and I felt terrible about it, trust me.
I just wanted to give you guys something.
Not sure when I'll update again because I'm moving tomorrow and that's part of why I didn't have internet and I don't know what will happen.
Plus, I'm lacking inspiration because I'm sad about moving and now it's really getting to me.
So please don't kill me.
Also, I noticed I have 8 subscribers, which is a shock to me, so thanks. I appreciate it.
=/ Love you all.
Pleeeease excuse any errors.