Caring for Ben

Racing Death

I Finally made it into the state of New Jersey, but i still had a while to go. I was going 90 in a 65 mph zone, just waiting for a cop to pull me over. I just had this bad feeling in my gut that everything would NOT be OK. It made me want to puke.
I left my house at 4 in the afternoon, it was now 7 and i was just pulling in to Overlook hospital, Emily met me in the lobby. Her eyes swollen and red from crying. I ran to her and we hugged and cried in the lobby for what seemed to be as long as my car ride was. finally she let go "Can I see them?" I ask. She just nods in response and i follow her down the hallway until we enter the elevator. "how bad..." I don't even have to finish the question, the look on her face says it all. We share another short embrace, interrupted by the elevator door opening. We are now in ICU. The walls began to spin and the hallway seemed endless. I had seen Patrick in some pretty tough situations, battling some pretty rough things, i never pictured myself visiting him in ICU. Something inside told me this was the end for him, God i hope I am wrong! My knees began to give in, all I want to do is lay down and cry! I grip Emily's shoulder, must be strong for Emily.
"Here We are...You go in, I'll wait out here" she takes a seat by the door. I take a deep breath and slowly push open the door. A nurse greets me with a smile, it makes me want to punch her in the face. She makes me put on a surgeons mask, so I don't spread germs. I see white everywhere, white walls white sheets, a white chair where my "Mommy 2" Is sitting, even the pale white skin of the two bodies laying in the beds. Mommy 2 stands up to greet me, i gladly accept her hug, refusing to look in the beds.
"Thanks for coming" She said, She looks awful!
"I would've done anything to make it... so uhh...what's the word"
"A board of wood fell and hit Patrick in the head...He's in a coma...the only thing keeping him alive right now is that machine..." She kept talking but her words blurred together,for the first time I took a good look at Patrick. He is laying there lifeless
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