Caring for Ben

Preparing for reality

Where am I I think as I wake up. I am hot and sweaty. I sit up, it is pretty dark, wherever here is. Light is coming up from the sides of the floor and a lantern is on the floor a few feet away. The light shines dimly powered by a week battery that was negligently left on all night. As my senses begin to awaken I can make out a body lying next to me, Ryan. He is still sound asleep. Then I remember where we are, in the loft.
The loft is the storage attic of my garage, 10 years ago Ryan and I made it into our special clubhouse. It was pretty neat, if i do say so myself. We spent a lot of time up there. One time, when Ryan was 16 and I was 21, he got SOO mad at his parents that he spent a whole week up there. It all seems pretty silly now but, at the time it was serious. We have a lot of good memories up in that fort.
I'm beginning to remember the night before. We played cards until the sun came up. Then we walked the dogs, another childhood past time. After our walk we climbed up here, we played all the games that Ryan was never aloud to when we were younger, never have I ever, truth or dare, hot seat. The games that you don't play with younger siblings.
The last time I checked my phone it was 7:30, i quietly searched around for my phone and checked the new time; 10:30. That means that we had gotten about 3 hours of sleep, not enough to deal with the bleak situation that awaited us at the hospital. I want to get there fast, but what about Ryan. I quickly think of what I should do when I remember, he is a man now, let him make his own decisions.
'Ry" I whisper "Hey lights out, risy shiny!" I run my hand through his hair, he stirs next to me. "I'm going to the hospital, what'd you wanna do kiddo?"
He sits up looking confused "uuhh...yeah I'll come" He replies rubbing his eyes. "what time is it"
"Already 10:30...I'm grabbing a shower, what are you doing?"
"Sleeping on your couch?" you can hear the grogginess in his voice
"sure" I reply with a chuckle. Standing I throw a blanket at him "Get a move on!"
My parents are in the kitchen when we come down and they greet us with puzzled looks. They think that I am still at home, four hours away. We exchange hugs then explain the situation, or more I explain while Ryan sleeps at the table. They don't take the news to well, but I can;t worry about that because while I'm explaining me and Ryan get a call to hurry to the hospital. Showers and naps are forgotten as we race to the car. I leave my Father to deal with my Mother sobbing at the kitchen table as Ryan and I take off speeding out of town.
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let me know what you think! Do you love it, do you hate it? Needs improvements? Should I continue or stop wasting my time?