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Maybe Holding Hands Wasn't Such A Good Idea

“Girl, I see it in your eyes
The trouble on your lips
Let me kiss between your..”

Sammi Rivers sighed as her and her roommates watched their new neighbor throw things out onto his lawn. ‘ You’ve got to be kidding me. We have to deal with a nut case?’ She thought as she started to pull her suitcase out of her trunk.
Zacky stopped as he saw that his new neighbors were watching him. He decided after only a moment of thinking that he was going to introduce himself. He picked up his cigarettes from the ground and walked across the street.

“Tonight I'll make your body scream
All the lies you fed to me
They make it hard to breath
You'll regret that
That I'm the best That
You've ever had in your life”
Sammi looked at the crazy man who was throwing things from his house she looked at him as she was holding a box full of unimportant things. Zacky smiled.” Hey I’m you neighbor acrossed the street, my names Zacky Baker.” He said lightly. Sammi just nodded and walked into her new house.
Later that night Zacky was out with the guys drinking, they were trying to get his mind off of Katherine.
“ well, I mean think of it like this.. you did meet her at a party Vengence.” Jimmy said looking across the table. Zacky just looked up at him and sighed taking his shot of Jack Daniels. Shot after shot, Zacky started feeling drunk. He had started flirting with a red head or was it a blonde he couldn’t remember the rest of the night was a blur for him. Waking up in his bedroom with a girl next to him.. he sighed alittle going to the bathroom. Then walked back out to his bedroom realizing that it was his new next door neighbor.
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