Status: Completed

Death by Triangles

Chapter One

Slam. I was up against a locker. Again. I'm used to it though, it happens everyday. The point of origin of my torment is McKinley's own, David Karofsky.
"Hey, fag." he smirked, holding me up by my shirt collar. "Shouldn't you be off somewhere listening to Lady Gaga and doing your make-up?" his posse laughed at his 'joke'. He then continued the tourtue by dumping a blue raspberry Big Gulp on top of my head. "You better watch yourself, lady boy," he yelled as we walked away with his herd of football jerks. Even though this happened everyday, I was still terrified. But this specific day, I decided to stand up for myself.
I sprinted full speed at Karofsky, blue slushie flying of me as I ran. Bad idea. He turned around and punched me in the nose. My small, delicate nose. After smashing my face, he dragged me to the boys' locker room as I screamed and kicked.
"What is your problem with me?" I yelled as I was set down.
“You're a homo!" he yelled back in my face.
"Well, why does it even matter? It's not like I'm hitting on you!" At moment I said this, he kissed me. David Karofsky kissed me. When he pulled off me, I stood in shock for exactly two seconds then, fury spread through out my whole body. David Neanderthal Karofsky stole my first kiss.
Karofsky was wide-eyed, pointing a finger at me, "You tell anyone, I'll kill you."
At that, I ran out. I didn't care where I was running to, I was just running. I franticly looked around so I could get there before the tears came. The first place I spotted was the boys' bathroom. I bolted in there and sat down in a stall. The first thing I noticed was that thw water works had started. I gently wiped a single tear away.
After sitting there for about ten minutes, someone came in. They must have heard my sobs because they asked, "Hey, who's in here?"
I realized it was my stepbrother, Finn. His mom married my dad a few months ago. They both had dead spouses.
He knocked on the door, "Hello?"
"Yes?" I sniffled.
I opened the stall door and I must have looked pretty bad, because he gasped and knelt by my side, "Kurt, what happened? Your lip and jaw are bleeding! And I know for a fact that you did not get into a fight." We both chuckled, but then the tone got serious, "Who did this?"
"Finn, it's very important that you do not tell anyone what I'm about to tell you, understood?"
He nodded.
"Okay, I was tired of Karofsky's torture, so I got up the courage to stand up to him, but he punched me and took me to the boys' locker room. We yelled back and fourth for a few minutes, then he kissed me. He told me that if I told anyone, he would kill me," I said the last part with more tears.
Finn's face was full of rage when he stood up. "I'll be right back, stay here," he growled with clenched fists.
"No, Finn! What are you doing?" my face turned pale as I ran after him. He walked briskly down the hallway until he found Karofsky.
"What the hell, Karofsky?" Finn exclaimed as he tackled him so the ground.
I tried to pry him off, but it didn't work, "Finn, stop!" I yell.
Finn ignored me, "What do you get out of bullying my brother?" Karofsky's face actually look scared. "And how dare you threaten his life!"
"Finn, let go." I say calmly.
Finn got to his feet and steps back to take a breath. Karofsky grinned as he walked off.
"Screw you, Karofsky!" Finn shouted. He didn't hear.
"Finn, why did you do that?" I ask.
"Because" he said as he put his hands on my shoulders and looking down to me, "You're my brother and I love you. I understand what it's like for you to be the only out kid at this school."
Finn says that he understands, but in reality, he doesn't and never will. I just wish there was someone who did.
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I hope you like. More coming very, very soon. :D