Status: Completed

Death by Triangles

Chapter Ten

Glee club was pretty awkward now, but David, Blaine and I still worked on our song... awkwardly. Blaine was completely convinced I loved him and only him. But on the other hand, David knew I loved Blaine and he didn't care if loved them both, he just cared that I loved him at all. But since David had not come out yet, it was perfect. I could kiss Blaine in public and kiss David in private. Yeah, I know it makes me sound like a whore, but I can't choose just one of them. Not yet.
Just like any other day, David and I were making out in the boys' bathroom. Yeah, not the best place because once again, Blaine found us.
"Wow," I mumbled to myself, "Seriously not the best idea I have had."
"God, Kurt. I thought we actually had something going. And you lied to me. Again. You told me you loved me." Blaine said, very aggravated.
"Blaine, I do love you, but I also love David." I gestured at David.
"Kurt, I'm done with you. You're just a big, fat, whore." The last part stung a little. Blaine then walked out, not crying this time, just super pissed. When I tried to follow him, he pushed me and said, "Don't talk to me. I'm not living at your house anymore. This is the last time you will see me."
He was right, that was the last time I ever saw him.
"David, I'm sorry, I have to leave, right now," I ran out the door, but all I saw was him running off. There was no way I could catch up. Damn, the cross country did him good.

As soon as I got home, I told my dad what happened. Well, not all of what happened, just the important parts.
"Dad, Blaine and I had a fight," I said.
"Yeah. What happened?" he asked look up momentarily from his paper, not really thinking it was anything too terrible.
"We had a fight about... something," I looked at the floor.
"He said that he was not living here anymore and that we would never see him again."
His head popped up, "Where did he go?" he implored.
"I don't know, I just saw him running off and I couldn't catch up to him," I now had tears in my eyes.
My dad immediately grabbed the phone and called the police.