Status: Completed

Death by Triangles

Chapter Two

Briiiing, the homeroom bell went off when I saw him.
He was beautiful.
He was wearing a white button up shirt with a blue and red striped tie, black slacks and slicked back hair. It was so simple, it was gorgeous.
"Hola, class! This is Blaine Anderson." Mr. Shue introduced this wonderful creature. "He just transferred from Dalton Academy, so welcome him warmly. Does anyone want to offer to show him around?"
My hand popped up faster than a Toaster Struddle pops out of a toaster.
"I would love to Mr. Shue!" I exclaimed with my friendliest smile. He smiled back as I gestured for him to sit down beside me.
"Hello, my name is Kurt Hummel! You're name is Blaine Anderson, correct?" I extended my hand for a shake. Of course I knew his name; he was too beautiful to forget.
"Yes it is," he said as he shakes my hand.
I let out a crazy laugh. “It’s a nice name!" My face tinted red.
He chuckled, "Thanks."
We spent the whole Spanish period talking.
"So why did you transfer from Dalton?" I asked.
"Uh, well..." he trailed off.
"Oh! If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to," I quickly said pretending to shuffle through papers.
"No, no, no, it's okay," he said with a sigh. "I came out to my parents, and my father kicked me out. Since I had no money for Dalton, I had to come here." He avoided eye contact, as if I was going to judge him for anything he was saying.
"You're gay?" I implored with much interest. Thank the above for the blessing of this sexy hunk of man candy that also plays for the same team!
"Yes...Please don't hate me now," he cringed like I was going to hit him with full force.
"No," I said gently. "I could never hate you, you're too beautiful," I blushed, not meaning to say the last part out loud.
He also blushed, replying with a, "Thank you."
"I'm gay, too." I explained.
"Really?" his eyes and voice were full of hope. "So, you understand what it's like to be the only out gay person at your school?"
My eyes got misty, "Of course I do." I suddenly realized the whole class was silent and staring at us.
"Kurt? Would you like to tell the class the subject of your conversation with Mr. Anderson?" Mr. Shue asked, but it was more of a demand.
I stand up and clear my throat. Blaine looked a little panicky.
"Gay." I pronounce clearly to the entire class. The bell sounded, telling me I was finished speaking. I walked Blaine to his next class, talking about the latest issue of Voge"
We stopped at the door, "See you after school?"
"Definitely," he answered as he opened the door and walked in.
I stood there for a few seconds until he looked at me through the tiny window on the door and waved me to go on. I strolled off to my next class, ditsy and dazed; caught in Blaine's spell. I was about five minutes late. Ms. Urie yelled at me when I used the I-Had-To-Go-The-Bathroom excuse. She didn't buy it, but she just told me to sit down and pull out my homework. Of course, I was still in a daze; I got out my English homework (a report on the history of scarves) instead of my math. I quickly tried to regain repose
Math. Okay. I can do this; I'm good at math. The equation for slope is mx+b. Wait, what does the "m" stand for? And the "b"? Blaine starts with b...
"Crap!!!" I yell out loud.
"Kurt Hummel! HUSH YOURSELF!" Ms. Urie yelled.
"Sorry ma'am." I apologized.
My head was in fog as the day slowly ticked by. Finally, the last bell rang. I practically ran out of the classroom to meet Blaine. I was as running until I saw him. I didn't want him to know that I was anxious to see him. I slowed my pace to a walk as I smoothed out my hair and fixed my shirt.
"Hey Kurt!" Blaine exclaimed.
He remembered my name! I swooned in my head.
"Hi, Blaine," I blushed.
"So, what're we doing?" he asked, practicly bouncing with excitment.
"Going to the Lima Bean!" I said.
He gasped, "I love coffee! My old friends and I used to hang out there all the time."
We walked to my car when Blaine said, "Wow, I really like your car!"
"Thanks, my dad got it for me when I promised I would stop wearing form fitting sweaters that stop at the knee."
"But Kurt," he giggled, "That's what you are wearing at this exact moment."
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him." We both chuckle.
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It's about to pretty awesome. Enjoy. ^________^