Status: Completed

Death by Triangles

Chapter Three

We finally got to the Lima Bean, ordered our coffee and sit down when I ask the big question, "When did you know you were gay?"
"Well, I've always loved Judy Garland." he said with a straight face. "But serious, about when I was 13. I just realized that I wasn't attracted to girls. When did you know?"
"I've always known," I said in a matter-of-fact tone. "All I wanted for my third birthday was a sensible pair of heels."
I wanted to know more about him, "What did you do at Dalton?"
"I was the lead singer of the Warblers," he said.
"What are they? Are they like a glee club?" I asked.
"Yes! We are an acapella group!" he exclaimed.
I had a light bulb go off. "Would you want to join McKinley's glee club?"
His eyes lit up, "Of course! I would love to!"
I asked another question, "Where do you live?"
His expression changed from joy and excitement sadness and awkwardness. Tears begin to slip as he stared blankly at his coffee and twirled the straw.
"Blaine, do you not have a place to sleep?"
He look up at me teary eyed.
I grabbed one of his hands, "Oh, Blaine, you can stay my house if you need to."
"Really? But, you hardly know me."
"I always help friends when they need it," I said as I lifted up his chin so I could look into his sparkling eyes.
"Come on," I said as I wiped at tear from his face. His beautiful, flawless face. "Let's leave."
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If you are reading this, thanks for actually reading this story I worked really hard on. xD