Status: Completed

Death by Triangles

Chapter Six

I froze. Blaine was trying to figure out what was going on in my head, “Kurt, are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost.”
I breathed out a barely audible, “David Karofsky.” Of course, Blaine doesn’t know about that, I never told him.
Blaine just stood and look confused as Karofsky walked up to us with slushie in hand. “Hey, pretty boy. Who’s this, your boyfriend?” he mocked.
“Excuse me, but, what if I am? Why does it matter to you, unless you have the hots for him also?” Blaine smirked.
"Also?!" I thought.
He glared at us, “Fine, homos, I won’t slushie you today.” As he walked away, he threw the drink into a nearby wastebasket.

This time in Spanish I actually paid attention even though I was super excited for third period, Glee Club. Second, Ms. Urie didn’t yell at me. Then, right after second, I met up with Blaine to walk to the choir room together.
“Hey everyone!” Mr. Shue exclaimed. He then spotted Blaine sitting next to me, “Oh, Blaine, you’re going to join Glee Club? That’s fantastic!” Mr. Shue is the Spanish and Glee teacher.
“Mr. Shue, I believe if- what’s your name?” Rachel pipped up.
“Blaine,” I growled at her.
“Well,” she went on with what she was trying to say, “I think Blaine should have to sing for us to determine whether his voice is worthy.”
I shot her a dirty look, “Rachel, you know everyone who wants to join gets in.” I turned to Blaine and patted him on the leg, “You don’t have to, hun.”
“But, I want to sing in front of all of you,” he look around at all the members. They all cheered him on. Blaine stood up, and walked over to the piano player and whispered something in his ear. Then took a spot in front of the class.
When the music began, I knew exactly what it was.

You triflin’,
Good for nothing type of brother,
Silly me,
Why haven’t I found another?
A baller,
When times get hard I need some one to help me out,
Instead of, a scrub like you don’t know what a man’s about.

Jumping onto a chair, he continued.

Can you play my bills?
Can you pay my telephone bills?
Can you pay my automo’ bills?
If you did then maybe we can chill.
I don’t think you do,
So you and me are through.

The whole class burst out cheering.
“Eh, you did pretty good for a white boy,” Mercedes commented.
Arite high-fived Blaine and everyone seemed to warm right up to him. I could see he would be very welcome here.
I heard someone clear their throat, “I would like to join Glee Club.” Everyone turned to see that David Karofsky was standing in the doorway.
♠ ♠ ♠
^_________^ Comment please if you like! Sorry for the short chapter. D: