Status: Completed

Death by Triangles

Chapter Seven

I pulled David aside cautiously, “What's your angle here? You hate us.”
“I wanted to learn more about music. And this doesn’t mean that I actually like you guys now,” he said looking at his feet, arms folded. He walked over to Mr. Shue, “Like I said, I would like to join Glee Club.”
“Well, you’re going to have to sing something so we know if you can sing or not,” I grumbled.
“Kurt,” Rachel mocked with a smirk, “You know everyone who wants to join gets in,”
“David, if you would, please sing something, just so we know what your voice sound like,” Mr. Shue said.
“Oh course. Hit it!” David said as he pointed at the piano. I brace myself for his worst.

I walk a lonely road,
The only on that I have ever known.
Don’t know where it goes,
But its only me and I walk alone.

I gasped out loud. It was actually very good, captivating really. I closed my eyes and continued to listen.

My shadow’s only one who walks beside me.
My shallow heart’s the only thing that’s beating.
Sometimes a wish someone out there will find me,
‘til then I walk alone.

Everyone, even Blaine, Finn, and I, applauded. I was quite surprised at how much charm was in his voice. I was actually very glad to get two new members of New Directions. Normally I hate competition.
Now we have 15 members; Puck: the bad ass with the mohawk, Lauren: the chubby girl that Puck wants, Quinn: the blonde ex-cheerleader and ex-girlfriend of Finn, Finn: the lead male vocal and boyfriend of Rachel, Rachel: the bossy lead female vocal, Santana: the closeted lesbian that has it bad for Brittany, Brittany: the blonde ditz, Sam: the huge-mouthed (literally), cute blonde and ex-boyfriend of Quinn and current boyfriend of Mercedes, Mercedes: the black, I-don’t-care-about-what-you-think, powerful singer and once had a crush on me, Mike: the Asian dancer that can’t sing, Tina: the Asian girlfriend of Mike, Arite: the one in the wheelchair who thinks he’s black, David Karofsky, Blaine, and myself.
New Directions is finally going to get somewhere.
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