Status: Completed

Death by Triangles

Chapter Eight

Today, I was really excited for Glee Club, more excited than usual. First period all I did was tell Blaine how amazing Glee Club is and second I couldn’t stop thinking about Glee Club. When third period finally came along I grabbed Blaine and dragged him to the choir room. I was bouncing out of my seat, “Mr. Shue, what the assignment?!”
“Kurt,” he laughed. “Calm down, wait until everyone gets here.”
I sat and pouted until everyone showed up, including David.
“Mr. Shue, can we have partners on this assignment?”
Mr. Shue glared at me, “Kurt.”
He turned to the whole class, “Today we are doing trios.”
I literally jumped out of my seat and yelled, “Woo!” Everyone stared. I sat down and looked at the floor.
Mr. Shue continued “Everyone grab two partners and find a song that suits the three of you. Get to work!"
I grabbed Blaine and practically ran over to David, “Hey, uh, do you want to be in our group?” I asked him.
“Why would I want to be with you two gaywads?” he retorted and looked away. Blaine and I started to walk when David said, “Wait, no one else will probably be with me, anyway so… get the hell over here.” I secretly smiled.
“I have the perfect song for us three of us to sing!” Blaine exclaimed.
“Well, spit it out, hobbit,” David snapped.
Blaine glared at him, “Welcome to My Life by Simple Plan.”
I gasped. The song truly was perfect, “Blaine, you’re a genius!” I grabbed him by the neck and kissed him. Little did I know that the whole class was watching.
“Ooooh,” they all mocked.
I couldn’t help but laugh even though my face was bright scarlet. I noticed Blaine laughing too. The only one I noticed that wasn’t laughing was David.
"What's wrong, Dav-"
"Shut up, Homo-spolotion!" he said as he stormed out, Rachel-style. I glanced at Blaine sympathetically before chasing after him.
"Hey, David; what's the matter?" I asked, putting my hands on his shoulders, turning him to face me. To my surprise, tears were falling down his cheeks in clear streams.
"It's not fair," he whimpered, trying not to make eye contact.
"...What's not fair?" I encouraged him to go on.
"He gets the happy ending along with the Prince. And what do I get? I get to stay locked up in the highest tower, only dreaming of what he has,"
"And that would be?" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air.
Looking me in the eyes, he whispered one simple word: "You."
♠ ♠ ♠
AND THE PLOT THICKENS! Thanks to my friend GetUnique for a little help. Go check her story The Warblette if you liked my story. :D