Status: Completed

Death by Triangles

Chapter Nine

The next day Glee club, everything was normal; except for the concept of David and me. Nothing was confusing before he joined, but now, everything was a mess! I couldn't think straight, I couldn't pay attention, and God knows how many times I've played the scene over and over again in my head! Stupid Neanderthal! Stupid jock football player bully stupid dumb gorgeous beautiful-
"Kurt? Are you listening?" Blaine questioned, waving his hand in front of my face. "We have to get these three part harmonies down," He and David stared at me, probably questioning my sanity.
"Sorry, ummm... Excuse me," I mumbled, rushing from the choir room and down the hall, practically running for the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror, hands on the sides of the sink staring at myself for hours, it seemed.
"Kurt," I muttered to my reflection. "Courage." The door came open a moment later, revealing the boy I'd been trying to keep out of my thoughts.
"Are you alright, man?" I saw David walk in from the corner of the mirror.
I put on my best smile and turned to face him, "Never better." My words didn't match my face. It still had that blank look.
"Look, dude, I know I was mean to you before and all, and I just wanted to say I'm sorry for it and that... that..." he stuttered at the end, but instead of finishing his sentence, he grabbed my sides, pulled me in and kissed me.
I heard those fireworks again.
My entire world had stopped.
But my world had a huge earthquake when I heard the door open then close.
It was Blaine.
"What's going on in here?" he demanded.
"Blaine," I gasped, "What are you doing?"
"I should be asking you that question. What are you doing locking lips with Karofsky?" he asked standing with his arms folded and one eyebrow raised.
"Blaine-," I tried to say, but he cut me off.
"You even said you loved me back! You said you really did!" he whimpered, trying not to cry. "But, apparently not," he glared at David. Before he ran out, I saw he had tears in those sparkling hazel eyes.
I bolted out after him. I found him sitting up against a locker, face in his hands. I heard loud sobs
I knelt down and put a hand on his shoulder, "Blaine, look at me."
He looked up, then looked back down, "Go away," he mumbled.
I stood up, "No!" I stomped my foot, "Get up and talk to me. Now!"
He continued to sit, but at least he uncovered his eyes, "Talk, go."
"What happened with David was a mistake."
"Are you sure? You sure looked like you enjoyed it," he grimaced.
"I'm sure," I lied. I held out my hand to help him up. He took it, avoiding eye contact.
"I love you," I really do love him. I'm just in love with David also.
"Kurt, I'm glad to hear you say that. I love you too." he hugged me.
God, and I thought I was the girly one.
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Thanks for reading! ^________^ Thanks to my friend GetUnique for a little help. Go check her story The Warblette if you liked my story. :D