Status: On hold until Fall/Winter; latest chapter being rewritten

Falling is Easy


Heath begins the long trek from Mia's room to the elevator, avoiding the looks of pity sent his way and expressions of sadness they shared with him. He ignores the looks as to the best of his ability and tries to resist the urge to scream out in frustration. It just wasn't fair...

"Mr. Collins?" Heath freezes as a nearby nurse utters his name. "Mr. Collins, Dr. Athens would like to speak with you."

"I'm sorry Ma'am, truly, but I-," he pauses momentarily, thinking of a way to explain without really saying it. "I'm terribly busy at the moment. I have a meeting that I have to prepare for, as well as contacting Mia's parents. I'm sorry..." Heath finishes before turning and continuing to the elevator. He almost makes it, but is intercepted by Dr. Athens just a few feet away from the elevator doors.

"Mr. Collins, I've been looking for you. I know you must be a terribly busy man but, it is of the utmost importance that I speak with you immediately." Seeing Heath's expression, Dr. Athens adds a sentence that will close the deal without doubt. "I know this must be hard for you, but it regards Mia." Heath gazes at Dr. Athens and, seeing no way out, finally agrees to talk with him. The two men walk into the office never noticing the third presence behind them.

"Please take a seat, Mr. Collins." Dr. Athens says, taking a seat at the desk in his office.

"Heath," he replies, "I prefer to be called by my first same. Being called Mr. Collins makes me feel like they're talking to my father."

"Very well, I'll call you Heath from now on. Heath, did Mia remember anything when you spoke to her today?" Heath regards Dr. Athens with an untrusting gaze, glancing away and letting his eyes settle on a framed picture resting on the corner of Dr. Athens' desk. Following Heath's gaze, Dr. Athens expressions softens looking almost sad as he continues speaking.

"My daughter,"he pauses waiting for Heath to tear his gaze away from the picture. "the girl you see in the picture is my daughter. I lost her a few years ago. I know you probably don't want to hear this, but I know how you feel. If-"

"She remembers, it took a little prompting but she told me what happened." Heath interrupts, falling silent once more.

"That's good, Heath. Since she remembers what happens that's a sign that she could make a full recovery. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me, I can't assure you that Mia will fully recover but providing things stay as they are time will be on our side." Heath stands, thanking him and takes one last look at the picture of Dr. Athens' daughter before leaving the hospital entirely. The third presence in the room watches as Heath leaves and the doctor picks up the picture, tears falling from his eyes.

As Heath leaves the hospital and approaches his office, he asks everyone to give him a few moments alone. When his request is respected Heath takes a seat in his chair finally allowing the tears he had been holding back for so long to fall. His thoughts drift to Mia and time... because time is all they have.
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Thanks so much for your comments and subscriptions everyone! I love reading the comments and seeing what you all think as well as the guesses at what's going to happen. Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!