Status: On hold until Fall/Winter; latest chapter being rewritten

Falling is Easy

Pick Up

Heath walks out of the elevator, walking down the hallway and stopping in front of a door numbered two-hundred-twelve. He takes a pair of keys out of his pocket, unlocking the door and walking inside. He sets his keys on the counter before walking back to the bedroom to hang up his coat. Lately the his apartment seemed so... empty. Of course he loved the apartment, a high rise with astounding views of the skyline and city. However, something was off about the apartment lately. Perhaps it was due to the fact that Mia was supposed to move in soon, before the accident happened. All her things were there, all she had to do was let him know she was going to move in. As Heath thought about it, he realized the apartment wasn't the problem. The problem was that he missed Mia, missed knowing that wherever she was that she was okay.

"Mia, I wonder how you're doing..." He mutters, catching the answering machine blinking with the number one. Heath walks over to the machine, pressing the play button as he straightens things about the kitchen.

"Hello, Mr. Collins, this is Lydia Smith. I'm the nurse who's been keeping an eye on Mia and I'm calling to let you know that there was a small mishap yesterday, but she's doing just fine now. You're free to come see her anytime before eight o'clock when visiting hours end, and Dr. Athens says she should be able to leave the hospital today or tomorrow." The message ends with a beep, leaving Heath frozen. A mishap? What in a hospital could be considered a mishap? Heath glances at his watch, noting that it's six fourty-five, if he hurries, he should be able to visit her for about an hour. Making his decision, he grabs his keys and leaves the apartment.


"Hello, I'm here to visit Mia Evans." Heath says, addressing the nurse at the desk. He leans on the edge of the desk, quiet as the nurse glances at him and continues typing. He waits for a few minutes wondering if she heard him, watching intently for any response.

"Your name?" She asks in a tired yet demanding tone.

"Heath Collins, I'm her boyfriend."

"Mr. Collins?" A woman walks up to him, placing a hand on his arm. Heath looks from the hand on his arm to the woman in front of him, studying her with a look of surprise. "I'm Lydia, the nurse who called you earlier today?"

"Oh, thank you for calling and letting me know about Mia. Miss Smith you said there had been a small mishap with Mia's condition?"

"Yes, we encountered a problem yesterday and she's having some... difficulties." The nurse, Lydia, said delicately.

"Yesterday?" Heath asked in disbelief, his blue eyes wide. "The message on the machine was dated from this afternoon, why didn't anyone call me sooner?"

"Mr. Collins, I wasn't able to-"

"What happened? Where is Dr. Athens? I'd like to speak with him immediately."

"Mr. Collins, please calm down. I'll explain everything in a few moments. Please, follow me." Lydia asks, hands outstretched in a calming manner before turning and walking down the hallway. "Mia's heart stopped for unknown reasons last night. We've managed to bring her back and have run a number of tests in order to find out what caused it. However, the tests haven't revealed any abnormalities and we're unable to identify the cause. She's alright, but as I said she's having some issues." Heath remains silent, his expression troubled; his blue eyes clouded with worry. "The issues are minor, in all actuality. She has some trouble walking at first and she doesn't seem to remember what happened after you left on Tuesday."

"What about Dr. Athens?"

"Dr Athen's went on a personal vacation starting this past Tuesday night and he won't be returning for another three weeks. If you'd like, I can get the release forms now so you can sign them. Dr. Athens said when she was admitted that she would be able to leave today, he's been notified of what happened and has still cleared her to leave. Why don't you go in to see her and I'll get the forms?" She suggested, stepping back a little as if he had already agreed.

Heath watched her walk back in the direction of the nurse's station, before peeking into the room Mia was staying in. She was sitting on the bed, looking confused as a nurse handed her clothes and guided her to the bathroom. There was something different about her... Maybe it was the startled glances she expressed when looking at the mirror? It was if she couldn't believe what it was reflecting back. Heath decided he'd ask the nurse about that if he had the chance.

"Mr. Collins? I have the release forms ready for you. If you'll just sign here, here, and initial here?" Heath took the clipboard and pen, signing and initialing where it was needed. "Dr. Athens said that he'd like to speak with Mia three weeks from now to check on her condition, is that alright with you?"

"It's alright with me, but shouldn't you ask Mia about this?" Lydia looked at him, perplexed and nervous. "How about we just go with the idea that Mia and I will meet with him and if she says no, I'll contact you so you can tell Dr. Athens. Okay?" She nodded reluctantly, taking the clipboard back from him.

"Thank you for your help, Lydia."

"Your welcome, Mr. Collins. "I'll let Dr. Athens know about the meeting situation." Heath nodded, waiting for Mia and the nurse to walk back into the visible part of the room before entering.

"Hey, Mia. I'm here to take you home."
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments are always welcome, thank you to everyone who's been reading.