Status: finished!


yeah, growing up

I woke up restricted as John’s arm was around my waist. I smiled, struggling to get out of his tight grip.

Since I was awake, I chose to go to school. There was no point in missing a day if I was awake anyway.

I heard a low groan and turned to John. His hair was disheveled but he still looked as gorgeous as ever.
“Morning beautiful!”
This day was already great.
“Morning, you can keep sleeping if you want. I need to get ready for school.”
“Thanks. Do you need me to drive you?”
His gesture was sweet. He knew I had my own car but wanted to ask anyway so I accepted.

I grabbed my clothes and walked into my adjoining bathroom, leaving John in my room.

Once I was finished, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, noticing as I walked past my bedroom that John wasn’t there and instead was in the kitchen with my parents.

John and I were in his truck when I reminded him that we needed to pick up the other two school-goers.


Quickly pecking his lips, I got out of John’s truck and walked into school with Pat and Garrett.
“You look happy. Your date went well then, I assume,” Garrett noticed.
“Yeah, it was really good.”
“Are you guys dating yet?”
They must of known the answer from the way my face slumped right then.
Pat tried to cheer me up, “He’ll realize soon enough and ask you, I’m sure.”
I forced a smile at the guys before departing from them and walking to my first class of the day.

I hope that John will make it clear soon, otherwise I had no idea what we were doing. I was definitely not one of those people who kiss and hug a guy, without having a label even if we were close.

John was an exception.
♠ ♠ ♠
I promise the next chapters will make up for this.
It's almost Christmas you guys! Anyone have any special plans?