Status: finished!


growing up won't bring us down

John and I had been texting each other for the past hour and a half, while I sat in class bored out of my mind.
‘What are your plans for when school finishes?’ John asked.
I pondered for a moment on whether I should study tonight or not.
‘Nothing, anything planned?’
‘Perhaps a little shopping. Would you like to come?’

I was in need of a graduation dress badly, as it was at the end of the week.
‘Yes yes yes!’
‘Is that a no? Shame. I’ll get someone to drop me off at your school and we’ll take your car, yeah?’
‘You are mean, Mr. That’s fine.’

School has got to finish now.


I saw John by my car, leaning against it looking too good to be true.
I walked up to him, “Hey there, stud,” and winked.
“I wish you greeted me like that more often,” he laughed.
“Maybe I will.”

We kissed and got into my car. The talk there was mainly about school finishing up soon and he asked if I had gotten my dress yet.
“No, I haven’t had time between school, studying and relaxing.”
I told him that I would look for one today and he seemed ecstatic at the fact that he would see me in whatever dress I choose before anyone else. I asked him why.
“It makes me feel special.”
I looked towards him, “Aw, aren’t you cute!”
“I’ve always been cute, thank you.”
The rest of the drive to the mall continued over what kind of dress I should wear, John having a lot of input, surprisingly.


“What about this one?” I held a purple dress up that was hanging in a random store.
“Nope, not good enough for you.”
“John, you’ve said that about every single one. This isn’t funny, in fact, you can look now. I give up.”
He turned to me and hugged me, “I’m sorry babe, I just want you to look and feel perfect on your graduation day. I don’t have to worry about you looking beautiful, because you would look stunning in a paper towel.”
“If you don’t find me a dress, I will be wearing a paper towel dress.”
He grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the store, “Deal.”
John was determined to find me a dress, I could tell. He led me into a store that looked the most expensive in the whole mall.
“You cannot be serious, John.”
“You left it up to me, no buts, ifs, ors.”
I slumped, “Fine,” and sat down on the bench in the middle of the change rooms.
He soon came back with three dresses in his hand. The first was a red dress and was long and tight; very elegant and too much for a high school graduation. That dress was rejected.
The second was a nice blue dress that was absolutely gorgeous but I wasn’t feeling it for some reason. Therefore, the second dress was rejected.
The third dress was a black dress that cut off just above the knees and looked chic and also very me. I fell in love with the dress once I tried it on and it looked like John had too, seeing as his mouth was drawn far open.
“I love it.”
“Believe me, I do too. Let’s get it.”
I looked at the price tag and out of the three dresses, this seemed to be the cheapest. We walked up to the cashier, where a very sassy old lady stood, and laid the dress on the counter.
The lady spoke up, “This is a very stunning dress, am I right? It was the only one we ever had in stock. We never got told why though. What is it for? An engagement?” She winked at John.
“Actually it’s for my graduation.”
She laughed, “Sorry, you two look so cute together. I couldn’t help but notice the both of you in the change rooms. Ah, young love.”
I glanced towards John, who looked as happy as can be. She thought that it was for our engagement? I hadn’t even thought of that, it was too early in the relationship to think about such a thing.
I quickly grabbed the bag and speed walked out of the store.


We sat in the food court, continuing our talk about graduation.
“So what are you going to do once you leave school?” John asked me.
“A fashion photographer,” hadn’t I spoken about this before?
“Now I remember! What do you have to do to get there?”
“I’m not entirely sure. I’m going to go to college perhaps, or apply for an internship at some magazines or brands- just for a start.”
“I wish you good luck, even though you don’t need it.” He leaned across the table and stared at me.
I kissed his nose and his smile faded a little as I grinned widely.
“Thank you, how is the band going?”
He continued staring at me, “Good, we might go on tour soon. I’m not quite sure yet about the details,” he looked down at the table.
I picked his face up and kissed his lips, making his smile come back.
“So you don’t know for how long or where?”
He rubbed his neck, a nervous habit of his, “No, not yet.”
“I wish I could go on tour, just to see how it’s like.”
“You’d like it. Maybe you could come on tour with me one day?”
“Depending on the circumstances...”
John was confused, “What circumstances?”
“Like my future career and all that.”
“I see. We’ll just have to wait then.”
“We will.”


Graduation day was the day we had all been waiting for. The day that meant Pat and Garrett could finally go on tour; The Maine could finally go on warped tour. I had called up various magazines around the country and applied to several colleges around the country, hoping to get into at least one of them. That day was today.

I was dressed in what John had chosen for me and I felt perfect, which was his mission and he definitely accomplished that. Everyone was coming over to my house before graduation and they had already began to start arriving. Compliments were being thrown around and Pat, Garrett and I had probably hugged everyone that was gathered in the lounge room at least three times. John had kept a close eye on me, every minute telling me how beautiful I looked and how he couldn’t keep his eyes off of me. He truly made me feel special with the way he treated me.

I had invited his parents and brothers to the graduation, seeing as how they were so nice to me and always welcomed me into their house when I arrived with John, but also because they have actually become really close with my own parents- even planning a weekend away together.

Pat, Garrett and I left early as we were needed at the graduation before all the guests. We climbed into the limo Pat’s parents had kindly got us and were off, everyone waving to us as we left.
♠ ♠ ♠
Guys, I'm real sorry for the letdown of this chapter.
But, I hope I make it up to you in the next couple (:

It's also been a while since I've uploaded a chapter- sorry about that.