Status: finished!


graduate, what's a kid to do now?

Graduation ran smoothly the whole way through and I am happy to say that I am now a high school graduate and, man, does it feel good. The moment my name was called and I stepped onto the podium there were three entire rows of the people I love cheering for me and making a ruckus. I loved it. Pat, Garrett and I were now official graduates and we all couldn’t stop beaming.

“I’m so excited!” Garrett grabbed Pat by the shoulders, “Tour time! Tour time!”
It was this moment that made me realise that I was the only one who hadn’t gotten a steady job or acceptance for what to do now. What if I didn’t get into a college? I applied to so many though. What if I didn’t get an internship? What was I going to do- become a local checkout chick? No way in hell. That was the moment I made the decision that the first acceptance I get was the one I was going to accept. No matter what it was, whether it was one of the worst places I applied, I was going to take it. I mean, being my first one has to mean something right? Or not.
“BBQ at mine everyone!” Pat roared.

John walked up to me with his family and they all greeted me.
“Oh hunny, you did so well! I’m so proud of you Kayden,” Jenny had become like a second mother to me along with everyone else’s mothers.
“Thanks Jen, it means a lot to me to hear you say that.”
“No problem, it’s the truth after all.” She was grinning from ear to ear.
John Sr spoke up, “You’re like a daughter to us Kayden, besides Ross here,” he smirked, always the comedian, “we cannot explain how proud we are of you.”
John wrapped his arms around me and wiped my tears, that I hadn’t notice fall, away.
“I can’t believe I’m tearing up, this is so embarrassing,” I gushed.
John whispered in my ear, “There is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about, my dear.”
I smiled up at him and we were interrupted by Jenny, “Well, we’ll see you guys at the Kirch’s guys, love you.”
John spoke up, “That was incredibly nice of them and now I can kiss you as much as I want,” he leaned into me.
“You can kiss me whenever you want John, I’m yours,” I said before our lips attached fully.


The Kirch’s house was going insane. But not the crazy insane. Okay, maybe the crazy insane. All the guys had been drinking ever since they got here and I was silently sitting in the midst of them sipping on my beer after a long, emphasis on long, talk from my parents that everyone gets after they graduate. The one about ‘I’m so proud of you baby’ and the pinching of cheeks and tears free falling? That one exactly and it was nice and I felt incredibly special until they asked what I was going to do now. My response? I’m going to see how it goes. In those words exactly, was how the conversation ended. But they let me also know that they support whatever decision I intend on making, but to make one soon- and I intended on doing just that.

John came stumbling over to me, lucky enough his words never slurred when he was beyond sober, “Hey babe, are you having fun?” He placed a sloppy kiss on my lips.
“Of course I am, I just graduated.”
“I’m so proud of you, you have no idea.” And another sloppy kiss was landed.
“Oh I’m sure I do, John. Are you having fun?”
“Yes! You should come over to the guys more and join in the conversation.”
“Okay, sure.”
He grabbed my hand and led me over to the group of guys plus Jess, sitting in a circle.
“I want to sit next to the graduation girl!” Jess called out and made a move quickly placing herself beside me in the circle.
“How are you girl?” I asked.
“I’m great! You?”
“I’m fantastic. How are you and Kennedy going?” I winked.
She shrugged, “It’s going, but we’ve been fighting lately over tours.”
“What tours?”
“Well, The Summer Set have a place on Warped but The Maine aren’t sure yet about that.”
“They might be, hey?”
“Yeah, nothing is official yet. But Kennedy says they have an offer of a five month tour including a few Warped stoops and other various festivals and such.”
John hadn’t even bothered to tell me about this.
“Well, I hope everything works out for you,” I hugged her as best as I could sitting next to her on the lawn chair.
“I hope they decide to go on Warped! That’s all I’m worried about.”
I suddenly felt sick, “ of course.”
I couldn’t blame Jess for wanting them to go on Warped tour, but I was the complete opposite. I was in an entire different industry than my boyfriend while Jess was in the exact same one as hers. Whichever decision The Maine decide to go with, one of us is going to get hurt. Bad.

“Babe,” John motioned to his lap.
I got up and made my way over to him.
“Guys have you met my gorgeous, absolutely stunning girlfriend,” he said to everyone.
I turned to him and laughed, “You are ridiculous.”
Jared groaned, “John, of course we’ve met her.”
John looked confused and then burst out laughing, “Of course you have!”
I shook my head, but stayed on his lap for the rest of the night while he still continued to drink.


“Kayden,” John groaned, “my head hurts so much Kayden.”
I shushed him, “Yes John, be quiet.”
“But it hurts, you don’t understand.”
“I don’t, but you have to be quiet, my parents are trying to sleep.”
Getting John up the stairs was a harder mission that I ever thought possible. He moaned and groaned and yelled and was absolutely way past the state of drunk. I pushed him onto the bed, and he once again, groaned loudly.
“John, if you don’t stop the groaning and being loud, I will drag you outside and you can find a way home by yourself,” I scolded him.
“Shhh, you’re being too loud.”
I sighed and laid down next to him, trying to get into a comfy position. I was annoyed at John for being a pain in the ass, which also made me upset too.

Just as I went to fall asleep John muttered, “Goodnight moon, I love you so much.”
The smile that had left previously had returned as he kissed my neck and cheek, possibly thinking I was asleep already.
“Goodnight you, love you too.”
I turned to him and smiled, even being wasted he looked as handsome as ever.
He grinned and the kissing started, heavily.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have an English exam tomorrow & I promise I'm studying really hard.
Sims3 is studying, right?

In other news, Queensland in three weeks! I'd love to hear from you guys- regarding anything.
It could be about school, this fanfic or even your cat.