Status: finished!


remembering the summer

Tempe, Arizona has been my home for almost two weeks and of those two weeks, 90% of my time was spent with Pat and Garrett- the other 10% dedicated to lovely, peaceful sleep. I was yet to meet their other friends, who I heard were very extraordinary. But I was meeting them after school. To say I was excited would be an understatement. I was ecstatic that I was finally meeting their best friends, who I had learnt go by the names of Kennedy, Eric, Jared, John, Baby John, Stephen and Jess. From what both Pat and Garrett had told me, they all seemed like a tight, down to earth bunch.

After the final bell had rung, I walked back to my locker. After the first week I had gotten use to where every class of mine was and my locker- thanks to Garrett.
I turned the corner, walking towards the 800s, but was stopped abruptly.
Garrett stood in front me grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
“Are you excited?” He asked, showing his obvious excitement.
Pat walked up behind us, his bag already on his back, “Have you guys even been to your lockers?
“No, this guy,” pointing towards Garrett, “has distracted me from my wonderful journey towards 814- the home of school books and my bag.”
Garrett stared at me while Pat laughed.
Pat suddenly started jumping on the spot, “Hurry up, hurry up, we’re going to be late.”
I began walking towards my locker leaving the two guys standing on the corner.
Deciding that my homework could wait another day, or couple of days, I quickly grabbed my bag and walked back to Pat and Garrett, before we all started heading to Garrett’s locker.

We walked to the car park, all climbing in Garrett’s hideous thing he called ‘his baby’ and beginning the adventure towards wherever we were meeting the others.
“Are you excited Kayden?” Pat looked like a bubble that was about to burst.
“Yeah, you guys never shut up about these guys. They seem nice.”
Garrett butted in, “Oh, they’re the nicest people you will ever meet. We can all be happy best friends forever. BFFs.”
I grinned. Just weeks ago, I was sulking and whining about moving to a horrible place across the face of the planet, when it turned out to be one glorious adventure. I was finally happy about the move, and the thought of these amazing guys I had become the greatest friends with, brought a grin to my face.
“Where are we meeting them?”
“Kennedy’s,” Pat answered, “After my house, his is the best hang out. Well, we could hang out at anyone’s really but-“
“We get it Pat,” Garrett stated quickly, before Pat went on one of his 3 hour long ramblings.
“I’m kind of nervous,” I admitted.
“Don’t be. They’re all chill guys… and girl. They’re definitely friends for life.”
“What are they like?”
Pat begin, “I got this-,” but Garrett butted in, “Kennedy is nice. He’s one of those guys you could tell anything to and he wouldn’t tell a soul.”
“Kind of like you guys?”
Pat grabbed my cheeks, “Aren’t you a little cutie?” He started making baby faces. I swatted his hands away.
Garrett continued, “Anyway, Eric – better known as Halvo- is one of the most childish people you will meet, besides Pat. Jared is probably the most chill one, he’s a go-with-the-flow kind of person. John is the funny, tall giraffe one. Everyone gets along with him. Baby John and Stephen are brothers and they are the biggest pranksters, so I’d be careful around them near April Fools. They just started a band with Jess, called The Summer Set. Jess is one of the guys, and that about sums them up.” He looked pleased with himself.
I was intrigued when I heard that three of them were starting a band. I’d never really known anyone that’s in a band, or played an instrument for that matter.
I must’ve said the last part out loud as I heard a silent, “Awkward,” ring out from Pat’s mouth.
They started laughing, Pat asked, “Do you listen to much music?”
“Yeah, but only good music,” I grinned but my face suddenly went straight, “Why?”
“Have you ever listened to any bands from Arizona?”
“Jimmy Eat World?” I questioned.
“Ah nice,” Garrett smiled at me, then turned his attention back to the road.
“We’re all kind of in bands…”
“Kennedy, Jared, John, Garrett and myself are The Maine. Halvo is part of A Rocket To The Moon, and as I said before, John, Stephen and Jess are part of The Summer Set. Most of us are just starting, but we’ve all got spots on the upcoming Warped Tour for a couple of months.”
You could tell by his voice that he was getting excited just thinking about it.
It was then that I made a realization, “When are you leaving?”
“Garrett and myself have to finish school first, but the Summer after we are all set to rock this world!”
“That’s amazing, really. I can’t wait to hear some of your music.” I grinned.
“Oh me too! You should come to the next band practice!”
Pat started nudging Garrett, “Wouldn’t that be cool Gare? When’s next practice? When? When?”
“This weekend. Relax it’s only Wednesday Pat,” Garrett pushed him away as he turned into the driveway of a nice house.
We got out of Garrett’s ‘baby’ and made our way up towards the house.
Pat ran through yelling, “We’re here! Your babies have arrived and we brought a baby… baby. Yeah!”

All I could think of at that moment was that this is going to be interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so excited that this story already has a couple of subscribers!
I hope everyone is enjoying it.
I don't really have a wide idea of how I'm going to write this or what I'm going to write; It's not mapped out as yet.

If anyone has any ideas or would like something incorporated, I'd really appreciate it and I'll definitely take it into consideration.
Feedback would be much appreciated (:
Thank you.