Status: finished!


but then Wonderwall comes on the radio

The apartment in New York was just as I expected it to be. Warm, lovely and nice and although it was missing one thing, or rather person, it was my new home for the next two years. My parents understood my reason for leaving so early and also the rest of the guys and Jess once they had found out. John hadn’t even made any attempt to contact me, but Garrett had told me that he had broken down once he read the letter- even clutching onto Garrett for support.

It had been two weeks since I had started my internship. Vogue was fabulous, the people were great and Marilyn was my lovely mentor. I had gotten the privilege of being behind the scenes of some high fashion photo shoots, and also being asked to take photos by a very famous photographer to see ‘what I got’. Luckily, they enjoyed my shots and one of them was now on a billboard on one of the most prestigious streets in New York. Slowly, I became very happy with myself in accepting this internship.

The Maine and The Summer Set would have been on tour for two weeks also now, and all I knew was that they were all annoyed with John. How did I know this? All of them decided to call me, complaining to me about his behaviour and telling me to call him. But I wouldn’t. He was the one who walked away, I was willing to make this relationship work and he messed it up. I shouldn’t have to call, he can act premenstrual all he wants. Fuck him.


Walking out of the Vogue offices on a Friday afternoon, Jared had called me.
“Hi Jared.”
“Kayden, hello lovely.”
I knew he was favourite for a reason.
“What is up?”
“Nothing much, what are you doing?”
“I’m walking back to my apartment right now. Where are you guys on tour so far?”
“Um... uh...,” why did he sound so nervous? “I’m not sure, you know.”
“Okay, what is wrong with you?”
“What do you, uh, mean?”
I heard whispers in the background, “Who is with you?”
“Just some of the guys- Pat, Kennedy, Garrett and Stephen.”
“Oh, so what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, everything is fine. Where are you now?”
“I’m in the elevator, going up to my floor. I’m nearly at my apartment. You’re really creeping me out, Jared.”
“I’m sorry, but good luck.”
“Good luck with what?” He hung up on me and I was beyond confused until, I saw a figure leaning next to my apartment door.
I walked towards him and he hadn’t moved.
Ignoring him, I put my key in and pushed the door open, turning towards him to see his eyes closed behind the sunglasses he was wearing. I pushed him and he landed on the floor with a thud. Suddenly he was awake.

I left the door open, being the nice lady that I was, “What do you want?” Or not.
His face held dark circles underneath both eyes and tear stains all over.
“I am sorry, I am so sorry. I-.”
“No, you don’t get to come here, apologise and expect everything to be all fine and dandy alright?”
The yelling began.
John looked at me, right in the eyes, “I don’t expect everything to go back to normal, but I am truly sorry. I am sorry for storming out; I should’ve listened to you. I’m sorry for you not hearing me at the airport when I called your name multiple times. I’m sorry that you had to write a letter that was covered in your tears, which are contagious to me. I’m sorry that it took so long for me to get to New York because this tour, which I expected to be great turned shit. I’m sorry.”
“You were at the airport?”
“Of course I was. I love you, I can’t let you go Kayden. I need you, even if you’re miles away in another city, I need to know that I can always call you, always visit you and that you’d do the same to me.”
“It’s not fair John! How are we going to make this work? What if you decide to storm out again, John? What would be the plan from here on out?”
“I’ve had two weeks of tour deliberating what would happen, Kayden. Two weeks of us slowly making our way up towards the city of New York and I finally know. My career is important to me and you know that. Your career is just beginning and I would rather do something illegal that ask you to quit your job while it’s just beginning for you. I saw your name on a billboard on the way over here and love; you have a talent and its brilliant,” I smiled at that and he continued, “so I thought long and hard over how this would possibly work. You do your job and I do my job. I have weeks and sometimes months off, and during that time I could be here for half of it and the other half back home. You could do the same, if you’re willing. I will make sure that there are dates on tour so that we are in New York for at least a week, minimum. I’ve thought of this all but now it’s up to you. The ball is on your turf, Kayden. Do you want me? Do you want us?”

For the second time in such a short period, I was speechless. I had no clue what to say or do. I latched onto him and kissed him repeatedly, muttering, “don’t ever storm out again, you hear me?”
“I wouldn’t even dare to storm out on you.”

John’s phone rang and he picked it up, “Hello. Yes. No. I don’t know. Do you want to talk to her? Fine. Douche.”
He turned to me, “For you apparently.”
I took it and put it to my ear, “Yes?”
“So, I heard John is going to stop moaning and sulking. This is good.”
I laughed at Pat, “Yes, yes, I’m happy that you sound so happy about it.”
“Well, I’m happy that you’re happy that I’m happy...? Don’t confuse me Kayden, I don’t deserve to be confused!”
“Goodbye happy Pat.”
“Bye confusing Kayden!”
That kid has had sugar.


Having the weekend off from work meant a weekend for John and myself and only us. We were back on track and the two of us couldn’t be happier about it.

We were currently walking through Times Square, when he turned to me, “I love you,” kissing me on my lips.
Grinning, I kissed him back whispering, “I love you too Mr. O’Callaghan,” as we walked into the closest store that looked interesting to us.

I went to kiss him again, but then Wonderwall comes on the radio.
♠ ♠ ♠
The story is finished! Finito, fertig, I don't know any other word for finished!
Hope all of you enjoyed it.

There will be one more chapter posted- it's between two options, none set quite yet.
But it will be posted tomorrow, so stay tuned ;D