Status: finished!


to southern california

Garrett was never on time. I had learnt this in the past couple of days, but especially today. He was supposed to pick me up from my house thirty minutes ago- but here I am, sitting on my couch watching re-runs of Gilmore Girls. I always loved Rory with Logan.

Not even five minutes later I heard a faint “Sorry, let’s go, quick!”
I turned from my position on the couch and saw Garrett walking back and forth in my kitchen. I stood up.
“So, why are you late?”
“I’m not late. I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I stared at him, “Okay, I get it. I fell asleep, happy?”
“No, I want to see The Maine practice!”
“Well off we go then.”
He grabbed something that looked to be a tomato out of my fridge and we left. Finally.

From the first time I had met Garrett, I had quickly learnt that he could walk into your house randomly at any time of day, or night, as if it were his own. It was comforting, to say the least. I’d never had that close of a friend where we were so at home in each other’s houses and welcomed, at that. It felt right; we were like brother and sister now. So, why not?

The ride to Pat’s house was not a long trip. Pat lived merely fifteen minutes away from my house. We got there and Garrett immediately led the way.


As soon as we stepped into the small, cramped basement, I was engulfed into a chorus of my name being shouted, hugs coming from everyone.
Kennedy spoke up, “What took you guys so long?”
I shot a pointed look at Garrett as he justified himself, “I may of possibly fell asleep for a short period of time…?” He looked at his feet, embarrassed.
“Always asleep,” Pat shook his head in a mocking manner.
I sat down on the couch supplied in front of their set up.

Pat counted them in and they begun, playing yet another song I have never heard of… ‘Everything I Ask Of’?

I was surprised by their talent, I mean, I never thought they were shocking, but I was extremely mesmerised. They were definitely not one of those bands that just mucked around or relied on auto-tune to succeed. They had it in them.


Practice ended five hours later, meaning it was currently 3.30pm. The boys all looked exhausted as they found places around the room to lie down on.
John took a seat on the couch beside me.
“What did you think?”
I bluffed, “It was alright, a little improvement needed, but it was okay.”
“Oh. Okay,” he stammered.
I couldn’t hold it in anymore, I burst out laughing.
“I’m sorry. I loved it, I really did. You’re all incredibly talented, really.”
“You’re going to pay for that, you know. But I’m glad you enjoyed it. The band means a lot to each of us, that when we hear close friends express their interest, it’s inspiring.”
Everything that John says is genuine, I could tell that much from the short time I had known him and that deep speech just said.
I had an urge to know more, about the band and him.
To say he intrigued me, is a complete and utter understatement.

“So where do you get your inspiration for songs?”
I wanted to continue talking to him, while the other boys were out of it.
“A lot of things, places and people give me inspiration. Some of them are theoretical and some are written from experience. But,” he looked down all of sudden, “I’ve kind of gotten myself into a dilemma involving the unforsaken writer’s block. I can’t find a motive to write at all and it sucks.”
John looked sad. He held an empty look in his eyes, almost looking as though tears could start any moment. I knew the band meant everything to him, he had just said that before, and they obviously needed new songs to progress further. I could tell that he was disappointed in himself. I was going to help him, somehow.


“Let’s go on an adventure,” enthusiasm shone in my voice.
I wasn’t entirely sure if it would cure his writer’s block, or even help the tiniest bit, but it was a start and the only thing I had come up with at this point.
He looked at me curiously, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, we- meaning everyone here, go to California or something. Just until tomorrow. It’s Saturday, and Sunday tomorrow, so obviously it’s brilliant. It’d be so much fun!”
John’s head lifted suddenly, taking in the surrounding, then slumped, looking back down again, “They’re all dead.”
“I’ll wake them up. I’m sure they’ll do anything to help you with your writer’s block; they’re your closest friends and band mates. You need to get inspired, stat.”
I stood up and started shaking the boys until they were all awake.
He sighed, “I guess it couldn’t hurt?”


Everyone immediately agreed to the idea of taking a trip to California for the night, so here we were, all cramped up into two cars.
Baby John, Stephen and Jess had decided to also join in on the fun, once they heard of the plan from Kennedy.

The car ride was an interesting one- that was for sure. With Kennedy driving, Jess in the passenger seat controlling the music and John, Jared and I squished in the back, small talk was made while Jess changed the song to one of Limp Bizkit.
Jared spoke up, “Oh man, I wish I had my guitar right now.”
“Why?” I asked, while laughing at Kennedy and Jess in the front, who were attempting to be gangster and failing, miserably.
“I kick ass at this song,” he shrugged, “can you play anything? You know… any instruments? Sing?”
Numerous times had I tried to play guitar- quitting after two minutes.
“Fair enough. What do you like to do?”
I had no clue why Jared all of a sudden had an interest in everything to do about me, but it was nice- to have someone want to know me, without having to.
“Um, I like to write a little and cook?”
“Do you write songs?”
I blushed almost immediately, looking down, “I like too, but I wouldn’t make an occupation out of it.”
“What would you make an occupation out of? You should help John sometime. Duet style.”
I ignored the last part, “I’d love to become a fashion photographer. I love fashion and photography, so why not put both together right?”
That had always been my dream, ever since I saw certain high fashion advertisements in my Mum’s issues of Vogue that she constantly left around the house.
“Nice, maybe you could also take photos of the band? You know… when we’re all big and famous and stuff.”
We both grinned at this.
“That would be fucking amazing.”

Hours later and we were finally settled in a cozy motel near Santa Barbara. I was settling on my bed in the room I shared with Jess, when I heard a knock on the door.
I stood up from my spot and went to open the door.
Standing there, looking as awkward as usual, was John.
He scratched the back of his neck, letting out an uncomfortable “Hey.”
“Hi, what’s up?”
“Do you wanna go for a walk?”
He finally looked at me, waiting for my response.
I smiled, “Sure, let’s go.”
I sent a text to Jess letting her know where I was going as a precaution and followed John.

We were mindlessly walking along the beach, when I spoke up, “I really hope you find inspiration.”
We had both stopped at that point and had settled on sitting on the sand, legs crossed.
John looked at me, “I think I have. Only a little, but it’s something. Thank you for all this.”
The way his eyes always pierced at me while he was talking or listening to me felt as though he’d tear a hole through me. His eyes were intense and a weird, unknown feeling floated through my stomach.
I shook it off, having no clue what it was, “No problem. I’m glad you’ve found at least a little. It’s better than nothing.”
“We should do this again, even if it’s not to find ideas or something.”
Our conversation ended and he soon took me back to my room.

As I laid down to sleep, that feeling was back in my stomach and was grasping on tightly. I had only a slight clue of what it could be, but ignored it. There’s no way.


Walking through the halls of school early Monday morning could have been the death of me. Our road trip had ended yesterday and by 11pm we arrived home, which should’ve been earlier if I knew that this is what it would feel like the next morning.

I leaned against my locker, closing my eyes.
“Hello death.”
I squinted with one eye open, seeing Pat standing there with a grin.
I mumbled back, “Hello life. How are you so alive?”
“I’ve always been like this- a morning person and night owl, it has its advantages. Need any help?”
I pointed to my locker. Pat checked my timetable to see which class I had, grabbed the required books and shut my locker.
I stood up properly, still having both eyes closed.
“Come on Sleepy,” he grabbed my hand and started pulling me to where I assumed I had to be. We stood outside a door, where Pat handed me my books and bid me farewell.

Needing or being made to stay awake, keeps you awake- in a weird way. After second period, I felt as alive as ever and it showed as Pat and I skipped to our next class we had together. There was no surprise that Garrett hadn’t even turned up.

Literature was a drag until my phone beeped, indicating a text message.
“Any after school plans?”
I smiled to myself seeing it was from John.
I replied, “No, what’s up?”
“I’m picking you up. Meet me at the main car park when school is over.”

What could he possibly have planned?
“Okay, see you then.”
There was no response after my reply.
I became anxious, ideas and thoughts floating through my head and the day continued to drag on. Why do day always go incredibly slow when you’re waiting for something at the end of it?

I had told Pat of my plans at lunch time, letting him know I no longer needed a ride home. I should probably invest in a car soon.


I stepped outside of the school’s doors. It was finally the end of another school day and I scanned the car park, both nervous and excited. I saw John leaning on his white pickup truck and began walking over.
“Hey,” I greeted him with a hug.
“Hey, we’re stopping at your house quickly. You need to change into comfortable clothes.”
I turned to him confused, “Why?”
He winked at me, “You’ll see.”
Just like school, the drive to my house was a long one.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been a while.
School has taken over my life.
8 more weeks until the next holidays; counting down.
Leave comments and suggestions x.