Status: finished!


on the boardwalk & laugh

Friday. The last day of the week, also meaning the last day of school for two day. Finally.

I trudged down the stairs, walking into the kitchen.
“Morning sweetie,” my Dad greeted.
It was way too early to say something, so I mumbled something that had to proper meaning.
“Morning Dad, how has your morning been?”
He was always trying to be a comedian, but I just continued to mumble while he continued, “it’s been fantastic. I hope my daughter likes her gift that is waiting for her in the driveway.”
It was too early in the morning for him to be making jokes around like this and I didn’t even have any sisters- who is he talking about?
I froze, looked at him grinning at me and sprinted towards the door.

The brand new Range Rover in black was standing in the driveway, my driveway.
My Dad walked out behind me, with Mum in tow.
“So you like it? I thought it might be about time.”
“I love it!”
This could possibly be the most exciting moment in my life, or at the very least one of them.
I embraced both of my parents in a group hug before running inside to finish getting ready for school. I contemplated texting Garrett, telling him he didn’t need to pick me up but I decided against it. It was Friday and I can always wait, even though I really want to take the beast for its first drive- me sitting behind the wheel, of course.

I was finished just in time as Garrett barged through the house.
“Hi Mrs and Mr Sommers,” he waved and grabbed some pancakes that were lying on the kitchen bench.
My Mum responded, “Hey Garrett,” and smiled at him.
“Whose sweet ride is out the front?”
“Mine,” I replied grinning at him. He finally looked up from his food, wide-eyed,” no kidding? Dude, you are driving to school today,” he turned to my parents, “Do you mind if I leave my car by the curb?”
“That’s fine Garrett,” Dad told him.
“Sweet thanks, so ready?”
“Yeah,” I turned towards my parents for the keys. They handed them to me and we headed towards my car. My car, sigh.


As soon as we got to school, Jimmy Eat World started playing.
“It’s fate,” I silently told myself.
“We have to pick Pat up too by the way.”
I turned towards Pat’s house, “yeah.”

Once we got to Pat’s, it took him a while to emerge from the house.
Finally walking out the door and towards Garrett and me, he stated that the reason behind his tardiness was wondering why there was a shiny new truck that he’s never seen before, in his driveway.
We all settled in my Range Rover and the 10 minute drive to school began.
Pat leaned up between the two front seats and grinned, “So how was last night?”
I blushed, “it was really good. Great even.”
“You like him,” Garrett stated.
They both looked mischievous when I quickly turned to look at them- smirks adorning their faces.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I was never good at lying and therefore, I never really tried to. Until now.
“Don’t worry, he likes you too,” I looked up at Garrett.
I didn’t want to give my apparently not-so-secret-but-secret-to-me secret away completely by asking them how they knew, so I stayed quiet.


As soon as final bell rang, I sighed in relief. The weekend has officially begun and another week was gone- meaning it is now closer to Graduation than before. Hurray. We were almost half way through the year meaning homework was practically guaranteed. Luckily, I had close to none.

I waited in my car for Pat and Garrett and once they hopped in, conversation was made.
“Are you gonna name it?”
I turned to Pat, who was now in the passenger’s seat.
“Name what?”
“Your car”
I thought for a second before a name came to mind, “Baboon,” I smiled.
Garrett and Pat looked confused, so I explained, “favourite animal. I think it suits this car. It’s Baboon, and that’s final.”
Garrett got his phone out.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m tweeting.”
Pat piped up, “What are you tweeting?”
“You’ll see.”
Pat got his phone out and laughed, “He said ‘sitting in Baboon with Pat and Kayden, chatting is nice’.”
I laughed, “Doesn’t it sounds spectacular?”
They boys joined in the laughter, before a phone started ringing.
Pat picked it up, “Hey man.”
He mouthed, “Everyone,” to us before returning his attention back to the phone.
“We’re just on our way to Kayden’s.”
We had already discussed this at school beforehand so it came as no surprise to me.
He laughed loudly, exclaiming, “They’re wondering what Baboon is!”
Garrett and I smirked at each other.
“It’s a secret... no... I don’t know… hang on,” Pat turned to me, “They asked if you adopted one.”
I laughed and nodded, winking.
Pat hung up the phone as we parked in my driveway, parking the car in the garage, stealing my Mom’s parking spot. She won’t mind…


Watching a movie was close to impossible with Pat.
“Let’s do something fun!” He began jumping on the couch.
“Like what?” Garrett questioned.
“I don’t know- I’m hungry.”

Loud footsteps were heard coming through the house. I looked toward Garrett and Pat confused.
“The party has arrived! With food!”
Stephen was the first we saw enter the lounge room, which was soon followed by everyone else. We all sat around my living room, Jared and Halvo looking around.
“What are you looking for?” I wondered.
“The baboon,” Jared responded.
Garrett, Pat and I laughed, to the point where Garrett was rolling on the carpet in front of everyone.
John spoke softly, “I don’t get it.”
This, of course, only made us laugh even more.
“There’s no baboon is there,” Baby John looked disappointed.
I stopped laughing, “I got a car!”
“What’s with the Baboon then?”
“I named it Baboon,” I shrugged.
Everyone understood and claimed they need a ride soon, not knowing where or when but that they needed one.

We all settled down comfortably, not watching a movie, but rather chatting animatedly.

I was talking to Kennedy and Jared, when John waltzed over and sat down on my lap. He continued to talk with them.
“Get your fat ass off of me!”
He jumped up surprised, “Oh sorry, didn’t see you there,” he smiled and took the seat next to me.
“Hey, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again,” he hugged me sideways.
“You’re forgiven. So how are things?”
“Things are average. I could really use another of your adventures again.”
“Really? Well let me think,” I put my ‘thinking face’ on, “tomorrow- Saturday right? Let’s camp at that lake on the outskirts of Arizona.”
“That sounds amazing, let’s do it.”
The idea was quickly tossed around the room and everyone agreed that tomorrow we were going camping. John and I smiled at each other as he thanked me, “you’re a lifesaver.”

By midnight, most people were already asleep. I didn’t mind having everyone stay the night and neither did my parents. Once they had walked in, merely hours before, they had met everyone and instantly grew a strong liking. Now everyone was invited over whenever they felt like it. It was nice that my parents adored my friends and thought of them as their own children, sometimes I think only having one child was hard on them and a big regret.

Everyone was asleep by 1am, preparing for tomorrow’s adventure.
♠ ♠ ♠
I, personally, just want Kayden and John together already. ahgrhegr!
Comments will get updates going a lot faster!