Status: finished!


we never had a chance, i remember that

“See you guys,” I told everyone as they left my house.
Jess called back, “Thanks, I’ll talk to you soon, yeah?” I nodded.

Walking back into the kitchen, I saw John sitting on a stool.
“Hey, I thought you left.”
“I decided to stay back.”
“Fair enough, what do you want to do?”
He looked at me, “wanna watch a movie?”
I nodded and we made our way to the living room. I settled myself down on the couch as John made his way over to the movie cabinet. He picked one out and put it in. I knew what it was as soon as it started. I smiled at him as he sat down next to me, “Mighty ducks? Nice choice.”

We sat there watching the movie quietly. It was nice to be this close to someone and no words had to be spoken.

Once the movie finished, we made our way back into the kitchen.
My Mum and Dad were there, and they greeted us, “Hey guys, want some fruit?” Both of us happily took the berries from the counter.
My parents soon left us alone, claiming they had grocery shopping to do.
“What’s your favourite fruit?”
I turned to John, surprised by the random question, “what?”
Laughing, “favourite fruit? I, personally, like strawberries. They’re the most tasteful and can cheer you up whenever.”
“I like mangoes.”
“What’s your favourite food?”
“Pizza, hands down. Yours?”
John subtly smiled, “Pizza,” he continued, “what movie are you most looking forward to seeing?”
I answered without a second thought, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2! I can’t believe it’s over soon. It premieres this Wednesday. I’m going to, no doubt, cry my eyes out.”
“Kayden, would you possibly want to, perhaps, go out with me sometime?”
“Like a date?”
I couldn’t believe he was asking me this, he could get any girl he wanted but he chose me- someone he has known for not even a year.
“No, a sultana. Of course a date, a proper date- if that’s okay?”
There was a slight red tinge across his face as he stared at me, waiting on my response.
I leaped into his arms. Our embrace was short-lived as we awkwardly let each other go. I wasn’t sure what we were, exactly. But I was happy with where we were, even if a label would make it more clear- to the both of us.


“Thanks for having me,” John gave me one last hug, before he left.
“Anytime, see you soon,” I called out.

I walked back inside, walking into the kitchen. I was in a baking mood, and therefore, I decided to make a quick, easy lemon slice.

John had told me he would text me to organise our date. I had no clue what he was planning, but I was excited.
I decided to call Jess, to talk and catch up on everything.
After two rings she picked up, squealing, “I can’t believe he finally asked you out!”
My face scrunched up in confusion, “how do you know?”
“He’s been thinking about it forever. He, of course, told Halvo, who excitedly spread it around. You should of seen the kid’s face, I don’t think John’s ever had the guts to ask any girl out before.”
I was surprised, and I felt extremely special. The fact that John had apparently never asked a girl out before brought a smile to my face.
“It’s a surprise to all of us, but we’re happy it’s you he asked out,” she continued, “oh and I’m definitely coming over Tuesday night for a girls night. I heard a little something about the date being on Wednesday night.”
“How do you know that?”
“I’m texting Kennedy, who apparently is with John right now. He said John will talk to you tomorrow after school.”
“Oh, don’t remind me. I hate Mondays.”
She laughed, “Don’t we all? Anyway, I’ll see you Tuesday night. Oh, pick me up on the way home from school?”
I agreed and we said goodbye.

What could John possibly have planned for Wednesday night? Why not a Friday or Saturday- when I don’t have school the next morning? So many thoughts ran through my head as night came around.
♠ ♠ ♠
filler, yes. sorry?