Status: First time posting on here. It'd be nice to get readers and read opinions

Respected By Many, Loved By You

"I bet my left ear"

Walking into Mrs. Ryson's room was like walking into a hippie's van. It was bright and colorful with card board cutouts of flowers on the walls. My eyes burned from all the bright oranges and neon colors. I walked up to who I guessed was Mrs. Ryson; a lady sitting indian style on her desk with no shoes on.

"Ahh you must be my new student Mr. Night. Wonderful to meet you, I'm Mrs. Ryson but you may call me Flower. For we must all become one with nature"

Wow this lady's freakin' me out...

"Uh yeah I'm Hail where can I sit?"

"You may sit in the far right corner the chair on the left seeing as that's the only seat left"

"Alright" I said walking towards the seat I had been assigned.

I sat down slaming my hands on the desk and using them as a pillow. I was beginning to drift off to sleep when a voice suddenly jolted me awake.

"I wouldn't sleep in Flower's class if I were you" said a voice from beside me.

"Why not? She seems pretty chill" I said surprisingly curious.

"Oh yeah, she's pretty chill until you fall asleep in here" they said chuckling a bit. The voice reminded me of an angels. Well, I've never heard an angel speak but I imagine that it would sound just like the persone beside me.

I decided to get a good look at the person with the sweet-sounding voice sitting next to me. For all I know it could be a dude with a really high voice.

When I looked up I was met with the most beautiful grey eyes I'd ever seen in my life. They were stunning almost inhuman. Her eyes were nothing compared to her face, it was flawless perfect even. She reminded me of a goddess aphrodite maybe.

She had chocolate brown hair, almond shaped eyes, and a perfect nose. The way she held herself was noble as if she was respected by any and everyone. As if she could kill the president and get away with it; no questions asked.

She made me want to shout to the heavens and thank God for lending such a beautiful angel. This Erin girl can't have anything on her, she screams the definition of respect!

I was snapped out of my day dreams by goddess girl. "Huh wha?" I asked well tried to ask.

"I said are you new here?" She reiterated

"Oh yeah" I said.

"So how do you like what you've seen of the school so far?" she questioned.

"Eh, it's alright, I guess. It just gets pretty annoying turning down a hall only to hear everyone talk about this Erin girl like she's some God. I mean, I'm sure their isn't anything special about her, she's probably just some stuck-up big headed barbie wannabe whom everyone follows around. I bet my left ear she's some air headed daddy's girl." I ranted

"Hmm I see" She said looking at me with keen interest.

"I'm sorry about my rant I'm just extremely irratated behind all of this, my name's Hail by the way, what's yours?" I asked.

"Erin Nite, or stuck-up big headed barbie wannabe. Whichever you prefer.

She said just as the bell rang, signaling for class to start.
♠ ♠ ♠

Well I'm sure that was pretty obvious. If I have any readers out there thanks for reading this, it means a lot. Hopefully I didn't disappoint.

Please comment and subscribe :)

Lyvi <3